ECUS Elected Faculty
Tentative Agenda
Aug 1, 2007
Arts & Sciences
1. ECUS Operating Procedures (consider any changes necessary for 2007-2008
2. Discussing the method by which intracommittee communication would be
supported (this was the only item not discussed on July 18)
- *(if no change from previous years, it would be by
email list, although Web CT is an additional possibility)
3. A review of the evolving draft of a myCATS
University Senate tab University Senate tab
- This was distributed to you via email recently.
- There is also something called RSS (Really Simple
Syndication) that may be relevant here
- Chris Greer has much more familiarity with RSS than I
so he would likely be able to provide us some information and insight on
4. Start - up issues (naming a parliamentarian, organizational committee
meetings for Aug 24)
- Likely suspect for 2007-2008 parliamentarian is Dr.
Ken Farr
- Likely suspects for facilitators of Aug 24 2007
committee meetings: elected chairs of respective committees
5. Parliamentary Rules (Ken Farr and I are drafting a "cheat sheet" for this
-- primarily seek your reaction to the current draft)
- Refer to the current drafts
- Ken Farr and I met today (Th 7/26) to amend the
previous draft -- the resulting draft is attached to this email.(RR_forSenate_07-26-07.xls)
- Consider offering an workshop (optional/required) for
Senators as part of first meeting
- Ken Farr is willing to provide a brief (10 to 30
minute) workshop on parliamentary procedure at the Aug 2007 Senate
6. Guidance for individual standing committees (menu of policy to review
tailored to each committee)<Each of us could provide an update of our status>
- *As there are five of us and five committees, perhaps
we each do this for one committee and then compare notes
7. Other matters that should be discussed
8. The need and feasibility of any other coordination prior to our Aug 16