A Companion Resolution
to the
Proposed Deletion of the Administrative Committee Section in the University
Senate Bylaws
At present, plan to propose this at the March 2008 University Senate Meeting
Reviewed by elected faculty of ECUS in January 2008
Reviewed at Feb 14, 2008 joint meeting of ECUS and Standing Committee Chairs
for review of full committee of ECUS and Standing Committee Chairs February 20, 2008
Whereas the primary goals are to support the governing concepts of transparent decision-making and shared information, specifically the sharing of information deemed relevant to the deliberations within the decision-making process,
therefore be it resolved by the University Senate of Georgia College & State University
that the University President identify an appropriate university official to maintain a registry of university-wide committees or a master list of committees that
provides appropriate information, including but not limited to membership rosters, committee charge, and committee meeting minutes, and
is accessible to members of the university community
is periodically reviewed to determined the activity status of each committee