ECUS Meeting
Tuesday November 14, 2006
1:00 – 3:00 President’s Office
Tentative Agenda
1. Call to order
2. Information Items
a. President’s Update (President Leland)
b. ECUS Parking Lot, An Animated Update (Tanya)
c. Governance Calendar Feedback if any from Deans/Department Chairs (Vice President Gormly)
d. Governance Retreat Planning Committee Update (Karynne)
3. Action Items
a. Vision: Identify two to three things ECUS should accomplish this academic year
b. Definition of Policy
A policy is a statement that governs the conduct of the University Community or a general principle that guides University affairs.
Refinement from USBGCC on 11-08-06:
A policy is a binding statement of record that (A) governs the conduct of the university community and/or (B) embodies a general principle that guides University affairs.
c. Review the draft of the agenda for Nov 27, 2006 University Senate meeting (Craig)
d. Items from 11-07-06 meeting of the Elected Faculty of ECUS (Craig)
i. Recommendation for committee registry
ii. Administrative committee clarification (see page 2)
iii. Election Communication Refinement (Meet with Deans and Department Chairs)
e. Plan for the Preparation of Checklists and Committee Calendar (Identify people to prepare drafts)
i. Standing Committee Officer Orientation Luncheon
ii. Governance Calendar Preparation
iii. Educate Senators / Open Meeting
iv. Governance Retreat
v. Elections of Faculty Senators
vi. Committee Calendar
f. Plan for At-large Election implementation (Identify a point person for this)
g. ECUS social – tentatively Jan/Feb 2007
4. Steering Function Items (No items identified at this time)
5. DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Nov 28, 1:00-3:00)
Senate Calendar Items:
Sun Nov 12 Motions Due to ECUS (entered in the online motion database)
Sun Nov 19 US Meeting Agenda to Senators
Mon Nov 27 US Meeting
Tue Dec 5 Joint SCC/ECUS Meeting for Agenda Coordination for January 12, 2007 Committee Meetings
Fri, Jan 12 Standing Committee Meetings of AGC, BPC, SAC, and USC
Sun Jan 14 Motions Due to ECUS (entered in the online motion database)
Sun Jan 21 US Meeting Agenda to Senators
Tue Jan 23 Joint SCC/ECUS Meeting for Agenda Coordination for February 2, 2007 Committee Meetings
Mon Jan 29 US Meeting
6. Adjourn
After the adjournment of the full committee meeting, the elected members of ECUS may choose to discuss the following items.
Faculty (Kendra, Tanya, Karynne, Craig) Workshop Agenda President’s Conference
(This workshop is open to all members
of the committee that wish to participate)
1. No agenda items have been identified at this time.
Today …. (i.e. US Bylaws 08-28-06)
V.Section 3: Administrative Committees [TOP OF PAGE]
V.Section3.A. The Administrative committees are defined as those committees and councils that are established by an administrator to assist and advise that administrator in carrying out his/her duties. If it is required that part of the membership be elected, elections for these committees shall be arranged by the Director of Legal Affairs. The administrator who establishes the committee shall convey any recommended policies or policy changes of that committee to the University Senate for consideration.
V.Section3.B. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to keep a current list of these administrative committees including their charge, membership, and the name of the administrator to whom they make recommendations.
A Long Time Ago …. (i.e. US Bylaws 03-24-03)
Section 3 Administrative Committees
A. The Administrative committees are defined as those committees and councils, including councils necessary for professional accreditation, that exist outside the policy recommending function of the University Senate and whose primary concern is to examine, administer, and recommend policy particular to the governance of the administrative unit or council. These committees may convey any recommended policies or policy changes to the Executive Committee of the University Senate.
B. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to keep a current list of these administrative committees including their charge, membership, and to whom they make recommendations. If it is required that part of the membership be elected, elections for these committees shall be arranged by the Director of Legal Affairs.