ECUS Meeting

Tuesday October 10, 2006

1:00 – 3:00 President’s Office

Tentative Agenda


Regrets:  Vice President Gormly: I am hosting a Chairs Workshop in Macon on Tuesday, October 10 and regret that I will not be able to attend the ECUS meeting.

1.   Call to order


2.   Information Items

      a.   President’s Update (President Leland)

      b.   Update on parking lot for ECUS 2006-2007 (Craig) (See page two of this agenda)

      c.   Update on AAUP Georgia Conference and USG faculty (ORP) meetings from 10-07-06 (Craig)


3.   Action Items

a.   Definition of Policy  (Craig)

DRAFT:  A policy is a regulation that governs the conduct of the University Community or a general principle that guides the management of University affairs

b.   Review proposed revisions to University Senate committee structure from USBGCC  (Craig)

      (Attachments excel document of committee composition, word document committee scopes)

c.   Review University Senate minutes from 09-25-06 meeting  (Tanya)  (see page three)

d.   Review Draft of 2007-2008 Governance Calendar (Kendra) (word document under separate cover)


4.   Steering Function Items

a.   Updates to policies/procedures, including an affirmative action plan, to bring us into compliance with federal law or guidelines (President Leland)

b.   Designated Smoke-free entrances and Non-smoking buffers to entrances to campus buildings (For additional context, see the email from Mr. Richard Goodson on page four of this agenda)


5.   DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting  (Tues Oct 17,  1:00-3:00)

        Finalize Agenda for 10-30-06 University Senate meeting


Senate Calendar Items:

Sun Oct 15 Motions Due to ECUS

Sun Oct 22 US Meeting Agenda to Senators;

Tue Oct 24 Joint SCC/ECUS Meeting for Agenda Coordination for November 3, 2006 Committee Meetings

Mon Oct 30 US Meeting


6.   Adjourn




After the adjournment of the full committee meeting, the elected members of ECUS may choose to discuss the following items.



Elected Faculty (Kendra, Tanya, Karynne, Craig) Workshop Agenda  President’s Conference Room
(This workshop is open to all members of the committee that wish to participate)


1.   Consider future discussions items from parking lots


06-07 Parking Lot Items -                                            Last Update 9/26/06



University Senate Minutes

Meeting Time: Monday, September 25, 2006 12:32 p.m.

Meeting Location:  A&S 2-72

Next Meeting: Monday, October 30, 2006 12:30 in A&S 2-72



Valerie Aranda, J.J. Arias, Betty Block, Paige Campbell, Ginger Carter Miller, John Fair, Gerald Fisher, Vicki Folendore, Lee Gillis, Mike Gleason, Tanya Goette, Maria Gordon, Anne Gormly, Autumn Grubb, Janessa Hartmann, Rachel Hodge, Jan Hoffmann, Julia Huprich, Margie Johnson, Paul Jones, , Harry Keim, Karynne Kleine, Dorothy Leland, Mike Martino, Kathleen McGeever, Ken McGill, Richard Mercier, Tom Moore, Roger Noel, Doug Oetter, Gina Peavy, Bill Richards, Kendra Russell, Janet Shiver, Will Thompson, Craig Turner, Rob Viau, Bill Wall, Noland White, J.F. Yao.



Bee Crews, Jan Flynn, J.J. Hayden



Sandra Godwin, Bruce Harshbarger, Bianca Longmire, Tish Seay, Cliff Wilkinson, Christine Zuger



Jon Barton, Ken Farr (parliamentarian), H. J. Foss, Bob Haney, Holley Roberts, Michael Rose, Tim Vacula


  * President Leland called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m.

   * Tim Vacula was on hand to take pictures of senators that had not had photos taken earlier.

   * President Leland gave the Presidents' <>report .

   * Received the <>University Services Committee Report from Dr. Ken McGill

   * Received the <>Budget and Planning Committee Report from Dr. Richard Mercier

   * Received the <>Academic Governance Committee Report  from Dr. Mike Gleason

   * Received the <>Executive Committee Report from Dr. Craig Turner

       * Information Item: Senate Apportionment

           * Apportionment Report (<>pdf, <>excel)

           * <>Corps of Instruction List for University Senate Election Purposes

       * <>University Senate Bylaws and Governing Concepts Committee Report - Lee Gillis

       * <>MOTION 0607.EC.001.O (Governing Concepts) SENATE ACTION: APPROVED

           * To adopt the supporting document as the official specification of the Governing Concepts of the University Senate including the preface that articulates their purpose.

   * Received the <>Student Affairs Committee Report from Ms. Kathleen McGeever

   * The meeting adjourned at 1:27.



There are a few issues that we at Physical Plant and Public Safety (by way of Environmental Health and Occupational Safety) would like to get some guidance and clarification on from the Faculty perspective.

The issue at hand arose when there was a request for a sign at the entrance to one building about the proper distance from the entrance to stay when smoking.  After looking into the matter, it was determined that the state has an open ended regulation about the distance people who smoke are required to be away from the entrance to a building. (With regard to smoking outside of buildings, the rules state that outdoor smoking areas must be a 'reasonable distance' from entrances, exits, air intake systems, etc). I was informed that at most schools the distance has been designated as either 25 feet or 50 feet.

Also, I received a resolution signed by the president from the SGA mandating that all buildings will have at least one entrance designated as a non-smoking entrance. 

I had a request from Physical Plant that we consider making all entrances to buildings smoke free entrances to save on confusion and the cost of signs. 

Here are the issues on which I am hoping to get guidance:

1)  Do we make all entrances to buildings smoke free entrances?

2)  If not, do we make the distance at which smokers can smoke 25 feet, 50 feet or some other random number?

Please make the faculty senate aware that we are in the process of meeting the intent of the regulations about designated smoking entrances and distances. 

Enforcement obviously will be through administrative channels and not Public Safety/ criminal channels.

Thanks for your help.

Richard Goodson