ECUS Meeting
Tuesday August 29, 2006
1:00 – 3:00 President’s Office
Tentative Agenda
1. Call to order
2. Information Items
a. President’s Update --President Leland
3. Action Items
a. Determine Spring 2007 Meeting Schedule; No change to Fall 2006 meeting schedule SEE LINK 1
Proposal: Shift meeting time FROM Tuesdays 1:00 – 3:00 TO Tuesdays 3:00 – 5:00
b. Senate Recognition
i. To: review current recognitions (pin, certificate, letter from President) and propose a process for administering such recognitions addressing such questions as
ii. When will the recognition be implemented?
1. Who will be recognized?
2. What will the format of the recognition be?
3. Should there be other recognitions beyond those currently in place?
4. Should there be recognitions for leadership positions (i.e. committee officers and ECUS members)
5. What is the appropriate way to recognize service of non-Senator members of Senate committees?
c. Governance Retreat Committee
i. MEMBERSHIP: To be determined.
ii. CHARGE: The charge of this committee is two-fold
1. Review Retreat Feedback with an eye toward refinements/improvements.
2. Plan the upcoming governance retreat (May 2007)
i. DRAFT of Motion 0607.EC.001.O To adopt the supporting document as the official specification of the Governing Concepts of the University Senate including the preface that articulates their purpose. [See PAGE 2 of this agenda for the supporting document]
i. What is the plan for preparing an agenda for and advertising this meeting?
4. Steering Function Items (At present, no steering items)
5. DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Sep 12 1:00-3:00)
Upcoming Senate Calendar Items: Fri Sep 1 Committees Meet, Sun Sep 10 Motions due, Fri Sep 15 SCO Orientation & Receive Corps of Instruction List from VPAA, Tue Sep 19 (Tentative) Joint ECUS/SCC Meeting, Mon Sep 25 US meeting
6. Adjourn
1. ECUS Meetings
After the adjournment of the full committee meeting, the elected members of ECUS may choose to discuss the following items.
Faculty (Kendra, Tanya, Karynne, Craig) Workshop Agenda President’s Conference
(This workshop is open to all members
of the committee that wish to participate)
1. Review Parking Lots from 2005-2006 ECUS
Governing Concepts
Endorsed by USB&GCC at its 02-22-06 meeting.
The governing concepts listed below are research-proven standards characteristic of high-performing organizations. These standards serve as lenses (1) through which governance documents are developed and reviewed and (2) against which shared governance undergoes periodic formative and summative assessment.
1. Shared Sense of Purpose
A shared sense of purpose for institutional governance is the university community's shared understanding of and commitment to its values, mission and goals through shared decision making.
2. Collegial Leadership
Shared governance requires capable and competent leaders from among administrators, faculty, staff, and students. Such leaders are characterized by the ability to critically evaluate how well they have performed, work to improve the leadership capabilities of themselves and others, and encourage and foster mutual respect among governance participants as they thoughtfully and thoroughly debate issues before the University Senate and its committees. They should be proficient, dependable, and above all else trustworthy as they faithfully guide and direct the development of policies and procedures that are widely understood and supported by members of the University community.
3. Transparent Decision Making
University policy, to be easily understood and widely supported by all constituencies, is readily available in a unified and consistent format and developed by full and complete vetting of issues using transparent processes of decision making. Decision making is respectful of how the process affects the confidence and trust of the university community and of the distinct, yet interdependent roles the administration, faculty, staff and students have in developing and implementing university policy.
4. Investment in Shared Governance
Members of the university community, by nature and profession, are invested in continual teaching and learning. University policy based on vision, core values, and governing concepts invites all members of the university community to take responsibility for educating themselves and their colleagues in order to make informed decisions.
5. Shared Information
Timely and adequate information is readily available to all members of the university community. Information is conveyed through multiple portals to promote broad access to enhance communication across campus.
6. Positive Motivators
Motivation of stakeholders in shared governance is impacted positively by identifying, confronting, communicating and debating policy issues, and building trust in an intelligent, respectful manner.
7. Adequate Resources
Shared governance requires adequate human, temporal, and fiscal resources to draft and review university policy, fully vet university policy under consideration with the University community as well as formulate voting positions in consultation with constituencies. Adequate resources provide support for current senators, develop future senators, and provide a culture characterized by confidence, familiarity, trust, and participation in the shared governance process.