ECUS Meeting
Tuesday August 22, 2006
1:00 – 3:00 President’s Conference Room
Tentative Agenda
1. Call to order
2. Information Items
a. President’s Update --President Leland
b. Resignation
i. Update on replacement election results for
Jane Rose – Resignation as a Senator/BPC (effective Oct 4; Sep 29 last work day)
Dr. Jane Rose’s current term of service: April 2006 to April 2008
3. Action Items
a. Agenda Coordination with Standing Committee Chairs Tu, August 22, 2006 1:00 – 2:00
1. Agenda Coordination
a. Define the process by which this would be most effective
i. Update on “frontpage” for the University Senate web presence (Craig)
ii. Individual Committee webpages (DRAFT) SEE LINK 4
b. Perform agenda coordination as necessary
c. Is there a need for ECUS Liaisons to the standing committees?
2. Information Items (contingent on time and interest)
a. Organizational Meetings - scheduled for: FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2006 12:30-1:45
i. We (ECUS) name a facilitator (On Aug 14, we named the committee chairs).
ii. The information on pages 3-6 of this agenda are relevant for the organizational meetings providing officer duties (p 3), calendar information (p 4), and bylaws passages particularly addressing the work of the standing committees (pp. 5-6).
iii. Election of Vice-Chair and Secretary (Consider a committee webmaster?)
1. US Bylaws Article IV Section 3.A (Last Sentence) Within fifteen (15) calendar days of the first day of classes of the Fall semester, the incoming committee shall conduct an organizational meeting at which they will elect a vice chair and a secretary in accordance with Article V Section 2.B.1 of these bylaws. The Executive Committee shall designate a facilitator to both preside at the organizational meeting and conduct the elections of committee officers.
2. US Bylaws Article IV Section 3.B 1. The members of a standing committee shall elect a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary by secret ballot in accordance with Article IV Sec 3.A of these bylaws. Only those members elected to the University Senate are eligible to serve as the committee chair, but any member of the committee is eligible to serve as vice chair or secretary. The chair, vice chair, and secretary shall be elected for a period of one year. The chair, vice chair, or the secretary may be reelected.
b. DRAFT (in preparation) Visual Identity – Your feedback to the draft and idea is sought
i. Note: I will have a draft to share
c. Senator Database ( a brief preview) SEE LINK 2
d. Motion Database ( a brief preview) SEE LINK 3
e. Governing Concepts – process by which these become official
f. Retreat Planning Committee – ad hoc of ECUS or administrative to President?
i. Review Retreat Feedback with an eye toward refinement/improvements
ii. Plan 2007 Retreat
g. Senator Recognition Committee – ad hoc of ECUS or administrative to President?
i. Senator Pins, Senator Certificates, Visual Identity, Letter from President, Other
b. DRAFT 2006-2007 ECUS Operating Procedures (Craig) (Finalize if draft is ready)
Note: Completing the draft will require further coordination as schedules did not permit finalizing this during the summer. The hope is to finalize this for our meeting on August 22. Our primary business on this item is schedule time to finalize the draft.
Functions of Executive Committee
o Faculty Advisory body to the University President
o Steering Committee of the University Senate
o Ensuring that governance documents are up-to-date and accessible
§ Including statutes, bylaws, handbooks, etc
o Maintaining and dissemination of meeting minutes
o Archiving appropriate records in coordination with Senate Archivist
4. Steering Function Items (At present, no steering items)
5. DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Aug 29 1:00-3:00)
6. Adjourn
1. ECUS Operating Procedures
2. Senator (People) database
3. Senate Motion database
4. DRAFT Webpages
Standing Committee Chairs
Eligibility: Elected University Senators who are members of the standing committee
ByLaws Responsibilities: <will require review should proposed bylaws revisions be approved by US in Aug 06>
Notify University Senate Secretary when a committee member misses three meetings (Article II, Sec 3.B.5)
<this responsibility is deleted in the bylaws revisions presently under consideration>
Present Committee Report to University Senate at scheduled University Senate meetings (Article IV, Sec 2)
<the proposed revisions require submission of this report to US Sec for inclusion in meeting minutes>
Transfer committee records to the following year's committee (Article IV, Sec 3B)
Notify Committee on Nominations when a vacancy on the committee occurs (Article IV, Sec 5)
<proposed revisions remove this responsibility>
Be available for Executive Committee meetings when called (Article V, Sec 2.B.5)
< proposed revisions change “ when called” to “as requested”>
Serve on the Committee on Nominations (Article V, Sec 1.D.1)
<in revisions, reference would change to V.Section1.D.1.a>
Other Responsibilities:
File Committee Report to Senate electronically within two days of the meeting at which it is given (to US Secretary) ß two days deadline in practice, no deadline specifically stated in proposed revisions
Others as defined by the committee
Standing Committee Vice Chairs
any member of the standing committee
Bylaws Responsibilities:
Other Responsibilities:
Assumes all duties and responsibilities of the chair in the absence of the chair
To be defined by the committee
Standing Committee Secretaries
any member of the committee
Bylaws Responsibilities:
Take minutes of the Standing Committee (Article V, Section 2.B.3)
Post minutes within 8 calendar days of meeting including those of any subcommittees or ad hoc committee that reports to the standing committee (Article V, Section 2.B.3)
Other Responsibilities:
To be defined by the committee
Responsibilities to be defined by the Committee
Scheduling meeting rooms, times, and dates for committee meetings
Conducting meetings
Conducting forums
Supplying an agenda for committee meetings with electronic documentation
Establishing operating policies/procedures and filing with ECUS
Writing and submitting an annual report
Completing Motion forms to get a motion on the floor of the University Senate
Ad hoc committee registry form submission
Advertising Meeting Times and Agenda to Campus Community
Meeting Dates for US Standing Committees
on the 2006-2007 Governance Calendar
US Committee (AGC, BPC, SAC, USC) Meetings
Mon, May 1 (Elect Chair), Fri, Aug 25 (Elect Vice Chair and Secretary);
Fri, Sep 1, Fri Oct 6, Fri Nov 3, Fri Jan 12, Fri Feb 2,Fri Feb 23, Fri Mar 23, Wed Apr 4
2007-2008 Organizational:
Monday April 30, 2007 is the meeting at which 2007-2008 US Committees elect chairs
OVERFLOW for US or US Committees:
At present there are no such times designated for OVERFLOW meetings
Other Dates for US Standing Committees
on the 2006-2007 Governance Calendar
OPEN Common Meeting Block (CMB) Dates on 2006-2007 Governance Calendar
We Aug 16, We, Aug 23, We Aug 30, Fri Sep 8, Mon Sep 11, Wed Sep 13, Wed Sep 27, Wed Oct 4, Mo Oct 9, Wed, Oct 11, Fri Oct 13, Mo Oct 16, Wed Oct 18, Mo Oct 23, Wed Oct 25, Wed Nov 1, Wed Nov 8, Mon Nov 13, Wed Nov 15, Mo Nov 20, Wed Nov 29, Wed Jan 3, Wed Jan 10, Wed Jan 17, Mon Jan 22, Wed Jan 24, Wed Jan 31, Wed Feb 7, Wed Feb 14, Mon Feb 19, Wed Feb 21, Wed Feb 28, Fri Mar 2, Wed Mar 7, Wed Mar 14, Wed Mar 21, Wed Apr 11, Fri Apr 13, Mon Apr 16, Wed Apr 18
SCO/ECUS Meetings <SCO = Standing Committee Officers and ECUS = Executive Committee>
Fri Sep 15 12:30-1:45 (Organizational/Logistical/Operational Issues) AND
Mon Feb 12 12:30-1:45 (Annual Report Template)
ECUS Meetings (all meetings are open)--- Standing time to be determined by the incoming ECUS
2006-2007 University Senate Meetings (12:30-1:45, A&S 2-72, all occur on Mondays)
Apr 26 (Organizational), Aug 28, Sep 25, Oct 30, Nov 27, Jan 29, Feb 26, Mar 19, Apr 23 (Last)
2007-2008 University Senate Meeting
Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 12:30 – 1:45 in A&S 2-72
2007 University Senate Retreat for 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 University Senates
Th, May 10, 2007 All Day
University Senate Bylaws Article IV Section 3. Standing Committee Officer Elections and Document Transfer
A. Within ten (10) calendar days of the Spring organizational meeting of the incoming University Senate for the subsequent academic year, each of the incoming standing committees shall hold a meeting at which they elect a chair in accordance with Article V, Section 2.B.1 of these bylaws. The Executive Committee shall designate a facilitator to both preside at this meeting and conduct the elections of the committee chair. Should there be any unfilled positions on the incoming committee, specifically members not known by name such as SGA nominees, Presidential Appointees named by title, etc., the Executive Committee shall name voting proxies for the election of the committee chair from the pool of outgoing committee members. Within fifteen (15) calendar days of the first day of classes of the Fall semester, the incoming committee shall conduct an organizational meeting at which they will elect a vice chair and a secretary in accordance with Article V Section 2.B.1 of these bylaws. The Executive Committee shall designate a facilitator to both preside at the organizational meeting and conduct the elections of committee officers.
B. The outgoing chair of each standing committee shall transfer current committee records to the incoming standing committee. Records older than twelve (12) months and not needed by the incoming committee shall be handled in accordance with the policies of the Board of Regents and State of Georgia requirements (see government link
University Senate Bylaws Article V Section 2.B.1 The members of a standing committee shall elect a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary by secret ballot in accordance with Article IV Sec 3.A of these bylaws. Only those members elected to the University Senate are eligible to serve as the committee chair, but any member of the committee is eligible to serve as vice chair or secretary. The chair, vice chair, and secretary shall be elected for a period of one year. The chair, vice chair, or the secretary may be reelected.
University Senate Bylaws
Article IV Section 1
The regular operations of the University Senate
shall follow a committee review procedure. The University Senate by a two-thirds
majority vote may suspend committee review of a specific matter and act as a
committee of the whole. In all other cases, the Senate shall submit all
matters of substance for study, recommendations, and/or action by a committee
prior to definitive action being taken by the University Senate. Standing
committee business may be initiated by any member of the committee, by the
Executive Committee of the University Senate, by the President, or by a written
request to the Executive Committee supported and signed by at least five
University Senate Bylaws Article III Section 1. The University
Senate shall discharge its responsibilities through a system of standing
committees elected by and directly responsible to the University Senate.
These standing committees shall establish their own operating policies and
procedures consistent with these Bylaws and the University Statutes. These must
be filed with the Executive Committee and updated as needed.
University Senate Bylaws
Article V Section 2.B. Duties of
standing committees and subcommittees.
1. The members of a standing committee shall elect a chair, a vice chair, and a
secretary by secret ballot at the first committee meeting in accordance with
Article IV Sec 3 of these bylaws. Only those members elected to the
University Senate are eligible to serve as the committee chair, but any member
of the committee is eligible to serve as vice chair or secretary. The chair,
vice chair, and secretary shall be elected for a period of one year. The chair,
vice chair, or the secretary may be reelected.
2. Committees shall consult with the Executive Committee as to relevant issues,
policies, and procedures that shall be the work of the committee and to seek
out and identify concerns within its area of responsibility.
3. The secretary of the committee shall provide minutes of each meeting to the
Secretary of the Executive Committee as well as post the minutes electronically
within eight (8) calendar days of the meeting. This would include minutes of any
subcommittee or ad hoc committee that reports to it.
4. Standing committees shall monitor the activities of their subcommittees
and consult with subcommittees regarding the relevant issues, policies, and
procedures that shall be the work of that subcommittee.
a. The subcommittee members shall elect their chair, vice chair, and
secretary, set the agenda for their meetings, and determine when meetings will
take place.
b. Subcommittee chairs shall attend standing committee meetings as requested
to report on the activities of the subcommittee and to provide information
regarding the status of recommendations emanating from the subcommittee.
5. Committee chairs shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee as
6. Committees may recommend policies and procedures of the University and shall
send them to the Executive Committee that shall forward them for consideration
to the University Senate.
University Senate Bylaws Article V Section 2 Membership, Duties and Description of the Committees established by the University Senate
A. Membership of the Standing Committees
1. There shall be four standing committees: the Academic Governance Committee, the University Services Committee, the Budget and Planning Committee, and the Student Affairs Committee.
2. There shall be fifteen (15) members on each standing committee, one of which is appointed as specified in Article V Section 2.C of these bylaws. The remaining fourteen (14) members shall be nominated by the Committee on Nominations and elected by the University Senate. Each School and the Library/General Division shall be represented on each standing committee and there shall be no fewer than eight (8) senators on each standing committee. Each standing committee shall include at least one (1) student nominated by the Student Government Association.
3. There may exist a subcommittee structure that supports the work of standing committees.
a. The University Senate may establish permanent subcommittees that report to a standing committee. The standing committee itself, the Executive Committee or the University Senate may recommend the creation of a subcommittee to assist with the work of the standing committee. Such a recommendation would take the form of a motion submitted to the Executive Committee for consideration by the University Senate. The Committee on Nominations shall nominate subcommittee members. At least two (2) members shall be university senators. The University Senate shall elect the voting membership of any such subcommittee and specify to which standing committee they report.
b. The University Senate may include ad hoc committees that report to a standing committee. The standing committee itself, the Executive Committee or the University Senate may create ad hoc committees to assist with the work of any standing committee. An ad hoc committee charter must be filed with the Executive Committee before the first meeting of the ad hoc committee. Members of the body that create the ad hoc committee shall choose the ad hoc committee membership. Any member of the University Community is eligible to serve on an ad hoc committee; however, at least two (2) members shall be university senators. The members of the ad hoc committee shall select a chair (must be a university senator), vice-chair, and secretary. The announcement of meetings and the posting of minutes shall follow University Senate protocol. Ad hoc committees shall cease to exist upon completion of an assigned task or at the end of the academic year, whichever comes first.
University Senate Bylaws Article IV Section 2. The committees listed in Article V Section 2.A.1 shall constitute the standing committees of the University Senate. Each standing committee and the Executive Committee, through their duly elected chair, shall, at all regular meetings of the University Senate, make a brief verbal report of business transacted. The text of any motions or resolutions that are to be proposed by committees at a University Senate meeting shall be provided to the Executive Committee fifteen (15) calendar days before the meeting, and shall be forwarded to University Senate members by the Executive Committee eight (8) calendar days prior to the meeting. In addition, each committee shall present a comprehensive, written, annual report to the Executive Committee. This comprehensive report, which shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by the end of the academic year shall be attached to the minutes of the last University Senate meeting of the year, shall include a summary of the major items considered by the committee during the academic year and the disposition of each.