ECUS Meeting
Monday August 14, 2006
2:00 – 3:00 President’s Office
Tentative Agenda DRAFT 2
1. Call to order
2. Information Items
a. President’s Update --President Leland
b. Vision for 2006-2007 (Craig)
Transparent Communication
Front-end Alignment
Refine Agenda Coordination Process
Review Committee Structure
Review Scopes of Committee
Clarify/Formulate definitions of policy/procedure
Process of approval for non-policy matters
University Senate should have autonomy on certain matters such as:
Committee Assignments/Replacement
3. Action Items
a. DRAFT 2006-2007 ECUS Operating Procedures (Craig) SEE LINK 1
Note: Completing the draft will require further coordination as schedules did not permit finalizing this during the summer. The hope is to finalize this for our meeting on August 22. Our primary business on this item is schedule time to finalize the draft.
Functions of Executive Committee
o Faculty Advisory body to the University President
o Steering Committee of the University Senate
o Ensuring that governance documents are up-to-date and accessible
§ Including statutes, bylaws, handbooks, etc
o Maintaining and dissemination of meeting minutes
o Archiving appropriate records in coordination with Senate Archivist
b. Finalize ECUS meeting calendar SEE LINK 2
c. Finalize US meeting agenda for Aug 28 : Distribute to Senators no later than Sun Aug 20 SEE LINK 3
d. Resignation
i. Bill Rowe Resignation as Senator/SAC (effective May 2006)
Dr. Bill Rowe’s current term of service: April 2005 to April 2007
ii. Jane Rose – Resignation as a Senator/BPC (effective Oct 4; Sep 29 last work day)
Dr. Jane Rose’s current term of service: April 2006 to April 2008
e. Parliamentarian - Name one
US Bylaws Article II Section 3.B.3. The Executive Committee shall name a parliamentarian to the University Senate for the coming academic year at the first regular University Senate meeting. The presiding officer may refer to the parliamentarian as to the proper procedure to be followed in matters of rules of order.
f. Archivist – Ms. Nancy Davis-Bray
US Bylaws Article V Section 1.C.12Last Sentence The Secretary of the Executive Committee, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will appoint an Archivist.
g. University Senate Webmaster Name one
4. Steering Function Items
a. AGC 03-31-06 Meeting – Clarification
03-31-06 AGC Minutes Excerpt: Charlie Martin and Linda DeVitis presented the proposal for a Center for Program Evaluation and Assessment. Motion carried unanimously to endorse the proposal for a Center for Program Evaluation and Assessment.
b. Agenda Coordination with Standing Committee Chairs Tu, August 22, 2006 1:00 – 2:00
i. DRAFT (in preparation) Visual Identity – Advice Note: I expect to have a draft to share
ii. Update on “frontpage” for the University Senate web presence (Craig) SEE LINK 4
Individual Committee webpages
iii. Senator Database SEE LINK 5
iv. Motion Database SEE LINK 6
v. Governing Concepts – process by which these become official
vi.. Retreat Planning Committee – Query: ad hoc of ECUS or administrative to President?
Review Retreat Feedback with an eye toward refinement/improvements
Plan 2007 Retreat
vii. Senator Recognition Committee – Query: ad hoc of ECUS or administrative to President?
a. Senator Pins, Senator Certificates, Visual Identity, Letter from President, Other
viii. Organizational Meetings - scheduled for: FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2006 12:30-1:45
a. We (ECUS) name a facilitator (one possibility is the committee chair).
b. The handout for May 1 meeting on USC webpage may have relevance
url for USC webpage
c. Election of Vice-Chair and Secretary (Consider a committee webmaster?)
US Bylaws Article IV Section 3.A (Last Sentence) Within fifteen (15) calendar days of the first day of classes of the Fall semester, the incoming committee shall conduct an organizational meeting at which they will elect a vice chair and a secretary in accordance with Article V Section 2.B.1 of these bylaws. The Executive Committee shall designate a facilitator to both preside at the organizational meeting and conduct the elections of committee officers.
US Bylaws Article IV Section 3.B The outgoing chair of each standing committee shall transfer current committee records to the incoming standing committee. Records older than twelve (12) months and not needed by the incoming committee shall be handled in accordance with the policies of the Board of Regents and State of Georgia requirements (see government link
ix. Is there a Need for ECUS Liaison to the standing committees?
x. Agenda Coordination
a. Define the process by which this would be most effective
b. Perform agenda coordination as necessary
5. DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Aug 22 1:00-3:00 Pres Conf Room)
Note: A draft for consideration is contained in item 4.b above. (Item x should be the focus)
6. Adjourn
1. ECUS Meeting Schedule
2. ECUS Operating Procedures
3. US Agenda Aug 28
4. Senate Quick Links
5. Senator (People) database
6. Senate Motion database
7. ECUS webpage
8. University Senate homepage