ECUS Meeting

Tuesday April 10, 2007

3:00 – 5:00 President’s Conference Room

Tentative Agenda


1.   Call to order


2.   Information Items

a.   President’s Update (President Leland)


3.   Action Items

a.   Finalize Agenda for April 23, 2007 and April 25, 2007 University Senate meetings (Craig)

·        Mon, April 23, 2007 (final meeting of 2006-2007 University Senate)

o       Should outgoing senators be recognized orally as part of ECUS report??

o       AGC:  W policy, L designator for leadership

o       BPC, ECUS, SAC: No motions anticipated

o       USC:  Technology Acquisition Revisited

·        Wed, April 25, 2007 (organizational meeting of the 2007-2008 University Senate)

o       Committee on Nominations Motion (slate of 2007-2008 committees)

o       Incoming Senator Picture (Mug Shots)

o       Should Incoming Senators be recognized orally as part of ECUS report??

o       Incoming Senators receive pins at August 2007 meeting (according to checklist on page 2)

  1. Recognitions  (see checklist on page 2)  (Craig)

·        Senator Pins – Clarify retroactive

·        End of Year Recognitions:  Certificates for

·        Non-Senators on Committees (mailed)

·        Outgoing Senators (at retreat)

·        Leaders (Officers. ECUS) (at retreat)

  1. P.R. Committee for the University Senate (consideration/discussion)  (Craig)

·          Could include recognitions

·        Consider Front-Page, Communication Vehicles to University Community

·        Intentional Assessment  of the University Senate periodically

·        (effectiveness, governing concepts) from external sources (AAUP, other)

  1. Finalize CoN motion for slate of nominees (if possible)
  2. Organizational Meetings of Committees (Make a plan for voting proxies, facilitators, meeting space)
  3. Feedback/Discussion ECUS Annual Report (Karynne)
  4. Operational Definitions: Policy (ok)  Procedure, Guideline, Practice, Information, Concern, Resolution

4.   Steering Function Items (No items identified at this time)


5.   DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Apr 17,  3:00 - 5:00)


Senate Calendar Items:

Sun, Apr 8 Motions due (entered into the online motion database) for March University Senate Meeting

Sun, Apr 15 Agenda for April 23 meeting to 2006-2007 University Senators

Tue, Apr 17 Agenda for April 25 meeting to 2007-2008 University Senators

Mon, Apr 23 Last Meeting of the 2006-2007 University Senate

Wed  Apr 25 Organizational Meeting of the 2007-2008 University Senate

Mon, Apr 30  Organizational Meeting of the 2007-2008 University Senate Committees (Elect Committee Chair)

6.   Adjourn

A workshop for elected members of ECUS to discuss the following items:

Elected Faculty (Kendra, Tanya, Karynne, Craig) Workshop

(This workshop is open to all members of the committee that wish to participate)

1.      DRAFT in preparation.


University Senate Recognition Checklist

Last Updated 01-08-07 by Craig Turner, Chair of ECUS 2006-2007

1.                Senator Pins will be one-time-in-a-career recognitions. Further, for each academic year, all incoming senators that do not already have a pin will receive one at the first meeting of the fall semester.  The awarding of Senator Pins will be retroactive to the extent practical and feasible for all Senators serving from August 2002 to the present time.

2.                Each Senator (except four VPs and University President) will receive a certificate at the conclusion of her/his term of service, noting that the six Presidential appointees and SGA President and Staff Council Chair have one year terms, while elected faculty have two year terms. These certificates will be presented at the annual governance retreat.

3.                Each Senate leader (Standing Committee Officers and elected Senators on ECUS) will receive a certificate for her/his service as an officer or ECUS member. These certificates will be presented at the governance retreat

4.                All non-Senators serving on standing committees of the Senate will receive a certificate at the conclusion of their term of service. These certificates will be mailed directly to the recipient.

5.                The University President will send letters to each Senator and to each non-Senator on Senate committees each fall.