1.   Call to order


2.   Information Items (All joint items with Standing Committee Chairs)

a.   President’s Update (President Leland)

b.   Comprehensive Committee Annual Reports (AGC, BPC, ECUS, SAC, USC) reminders (Craig Turner)

·        These reports should be completed in consultation with the entire committee

·        These reports are due (by email to ecus@gcsu.edu) no later than noon on May 1, 2007.

·        Final version of template (from Feb 20, 2007 SCC/ECUS meeting) – see page 2.

·        Note: Links to Supporting Documents available at  http://info.gcsu.edu/intranet/univ_senate/Annual_Reports_2006_2007/

c.   Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC) Update (Karynne Kleine)

d.   Committee on Nominations (CoN) Update (Kendra Russell)

·        Proposed Calendar for completing work

·        Procedural plan to prepare surveys to inform CoN work

o        Committee preference for senators,

o        Committee interest for non-senators


3.   Action Items  (All joint items with Standing Committee Chairs)

a.   Surveys to inform CoN work (review as a group)  (Kendra Russell)

·        Committee preference survey(s)  for senators

o       Alternative forms for subsets of senate based on eligibility for opportunities

o       Is there information beyond committee preferences that could help inform CoN work?

§         One possibility is self-reported characterization as “detail” or “big-picture” person

·        Committee interest for non-senators

o       Is there information beyond committee preferences that could help inform CoN work?

§         One possibility was self-reported characterization as “detail” or “big-picture” person

b.   Common Meeting Time (as discussed at Feb 20, 2007 meeting)

·        Determine the next step informed by the Survey Feedback received from Horizontal Chairs

c.   Agenda Coordination for March 23, 2007 and April 4, 2007 Committee Meetings

·        USC plans to defer the technology acquisition motion to the April 2007 US meeting

·        There are no motions anticipated from AGC, BPC, ECUS, SAC for March 19, 2007 US meeting

·        Verify that the following motions are anticipated for the April 23, 2007

Note: Motions due Sunday April 8 for April 23 US Meeting

o       AGC (Scholarly Misconduct, Withdrawal Policy (limit  number of W’s))

§         The 2008-2010 Academic Calendar is an information item (not requiring a motion)

o       BPC, ECUS, SAC (none)

o       USC (Technology Purchasing and Software Acquisition ($250 limit))

4.   DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Mar 20, 3:00-5:00)


Senate Calendar Items:

Mon March 19    US Meeting (penultimate meeting of the 2006-2007 University Senate)

Fri March 23       US Committees Meeting (some committees are shifting this meeting time due to spring break)

Wed Apr 4                            US Committee Meetings (final scheduled US committee meetings for 2006-2007)

Sun, Apr 8             Motions due for April 23 US meeting

Mon April 23       US Meeting (last meeting of the 2006-2007 US)

Wed April 25       US Meeting (organizational meeting of the 2007-2008 US)

Mon April 30       US Committee Meetings (organizational meetings of 2007-08 US committees, elect Chair)

Thu, May 10         US Retreat (All Day) – An event open to 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 University Senators

5.   Adjourn



Template of Senate Committee Annual Report

Due Date:  Submit by email to ecus@gcsu.edu no later than noon on May 1, 2007

Template and Due Date approved at the Standing Committee Chair and Executive Committee Meeting on February 20, 2007


Note:  This report should represent consensus of the entire committee and serve as a historical record of committee deliberations over the academic year.


Committee Name:


Academic Year:


Committee Charge:

Boiler plate from US bylaws


Committee Calendar:

Listing of dates on which the committee met


Executive Summary:

A narrative abstract of the main issues of committee deliberations throughout the year.


Committee Membership and Record of Attendance:

Identify all members of the committee, clearly indicate committee officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary), and status of each member (Senator, non-Senator, student) along with a record of each member’s attendance.


Committee Operating Procedures:

A summary of the standard operating procedures used to conduct business during the year.


Motions brought to the Senate floor:

Give the motion number, and motion statement as well as the committee vote and senate action on each motion that this committee brought to the Senate body for action.  One paragraph summary of committee work for each motion


Other Significant Deliberation (Non-Motions):

A one paragraph summary of each issue that consumed a significant amount of committee time.


Ad hoc committees and other groups:

For each ad hoc committee and other group that was formed,

Specify committee or group name, membership, identify ad hoc committee officers (chair, vice chair, secretary) or leaders of other group

Provide a one paragraph summary of its work.  (likely submitted by an ad hoc committee officer or group leader)

Finally specify whether their work was completed, and if not whether your committee recommends that the committee continue their work in the following academic year.


Committee Reflections:

What worked well, what did not work so well.  Given your charge, how did you spend your time?


Committee Recommendations:

Advice to the membership of the committee for the next academic year such as:

Are there any issues that should be considered by this committee the following year?

Are there any issues that this year's committee was unable to complete its work on?

Do any of this year's committee actions require follow-up?  (i.e. a policy was drafted, but there was a recommendation for a review of the policy during the following year.)

Recommendations on calendar (meeting times, outline items that you expect would be considered annually)


Recommend items for consideration at the governance retreat:


Footer for Annual Report  (Committee Codes AGC, BPC, ECUS, SAC, USC)

Committee Code Annual Report Academic Year                                                                                                         Page x of y

(example: ECUS Annual Report 2006-2007)