ECUS Meeting
Tuesday March 6, 2007
3:00 – 5:00 President’s Conference Room
Tentative Agenda
1. Call to order
2. Information Items
a. President’s Update (President Leland)
b. At-large Election Update (Kendra Russell)
c. Committee on Nominations (CoN) Update (Kendra Russell)
· Proposed Calendar for completing work
· Plan to prepare surveys to inform CoN work
o Committee preference for senators,
o Committee interest for non-senators
d. ECUS Comprehensive Annual Report Update – plan for completion of report (due May 1)
e. Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC) Update (Karynne Kleine)
f. Graduate Assistant Timeline Clarification
g. Recognition Update
3. Action Items
a. Review University Senate Minutes from February 2007 meeting (Tanya Goette)
· Next Step: Minutes are distributed to University Senator for review
· USC plans to defer the technology acquisition motion to the April 2007 US meeting
· Review the Conflict Resolution Motion (numbered 0607.US.006.P)
· At this time, there are no motions anticipated from AGC, BPC, ECUS, SAC
· FYI Motions anticipated for the April 23, 2007 meeting (final meeting of the 2006-2007 University Senate)
o AGC (Scholarly Misconduct, Withdrawal Policy (limit number of W’s)), also Acad Calendar 2008-10
o BPC, ECUS, SAC (none)
o USC (Technology Purchasing and Software Acquisition ($250 limit))
· Next Step: Agenda is distributed to University Senators no later than Sunday March 11
c. Staggering Terms for four Elected Staff Senators
· ECUS charged to do this by the University Senate Bylaws
· Short time frame this year, future calendar for this process is aligned with school elections
· Proposal is one-year terms for all four positions this year and defer staggering to future ECUS
d. Common Meeting Time
· Determine the next step informed by the Survey Feedback received from Horizontal Chairs
e. Tracking Discussion Items from Senate meetings
· e.g. university holiday selection process, commencement ceremony
f. Consider holding a future ECUS meeting at an alternative venue
g. Presidential Appointees to the 2007-2008 University Senate, Strategy to secure VP Appointees
4. Steering Function Items (No items identified at this time)
5. DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Mar 13, 3:00 - 5:00)
· Information Items (Updates from President, CoN, GRPC)
o Reminder Committee Annual Report should be informed by entire committee and is due May 1
· Action Items
o Review Drafts of Committee Surveys (Senator Preference, Non-Senator Interest)
o Agenda Coordination
A workshop for elected members of ECUS to discuss the following items:
Elected Faculty (Kendra, Tanya, Karynne, Craig) Workshop
(This workshop is open to all members of the committee that wish to participate)
1. Review Parking Lots; Vision; Other(as arises in March 6 full committee meeting)