ECUS Meeting
Tuesday February 20, 2007
4:00 – 5:00 President’s Conference Room
Tentative Agenda
1. Call to order
2. Information Items (All joint items with Standing Committee Chairs)
a. President’s Update (President Leland)
b. Next Joint Meeting of SCC/ECUS is March 13, 2007 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00p.m.
c. Governance Retreat Committee (GRC) Update (Karynne Kleine)
d. At-large Faculty Senator Election Update (Kendra Russell)
e. Committee on Nominations (CoN) Update (Kendra Russell)
· At its 02-06-07 meeting, ECUS appointed Kendra Russell to chair this committee
· At its 02-06-07 meeting, ECUS appointed the membership to be the minimum called for in bylaws
o CoN Membership: ECUS, Standing Committee Chairs, SGA President, Staff Council Chair
3. Action Items (All joint items with Standing Committee Chairs)
a. Template for Committee Comprehensive Annual Report (applies to AGC, BPC, ECUS, SAC, USC)
· Finalize template (specifically the asterisk items)
· Determine due date for reports
o Bylaws authorize ECUS to set due date (Future Committee Meeting Dates Fr Feb 23, Fr Mar 23, We Apr 4)
o Maymester classes begin Tu May 8; Grades due Spr 07, Wed May 9; Governance Retreat Th, May 10
b. Discuss University Senate Agenda (Feb 26, 2007 meeting)
· Full Agenda - note the order in which the motions are listed
o ECUS (Bylaws)
o AGC (Deactivate BBA, Commencement Participation)
o SAC (Priority Registration)
o USC (Workplace Accommodations (Disabilities, Religious Observations), Sexual Harassment)
o BPC (No motions at this time)
o USC – New Business (time-permitting) <Library Fee, Technology (Software and Equipment)>
· Consider need to present “information items” from committee reports orally
· Clarify parliamentary details for efficient meetings
c. Agenda Coordination for February 23, 2007 Committee Meetings
Note: Motions due Sun Mar 4 for Mar 19 US Meeting; Next Joint SCC/ECUS Meeting (Mar 13, 2007 4-5)
4. Steering Function Items
a. Moderator for Email Lists
b. Reconsideration of Common Meeting Time (Karynne Kleine)
5. DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Feb 27, 3:00-5:00)
Senate Calendar Items:
Sun, Mar 4 Motions due (entered into the online motion database) for March University Senate Meeting
Sun, Mar 11 Agenda for March meeting to University Senators
Tue Mar 13 Joint SCC/ECUS Meeting for Agenda Coordination for March 23, 2007 & April 4, 2007 Committee Meetings
Mon, Mar 19 University Senate Meeting
Fri, Mar 23 Standing Committee Meetings of AGC, BPC, SAC, and USC
Wed, Apr 4 Standing Committee Meetings of AGC, BPC, SAC, and USC
6. Adjourn
Template of Senate Committee Annual Report
Note: This report should represent consensus of the entire committee and serve as a historical record of committee deliberations over the academic year.
Committee Name:
Academic Year:
Committee Charge:
Boiler plate from US bylaws
Committee Calendar:
Listing of dates on which the committee met
Executive Summary:
A narrative abstract of the main issues of committee deliberations throughout the year.
Committee Membership and Record of Attendance*:
Identify all members of the committee, clearly indicate committee officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary), and status of each member (Senator, non-Senator, student) along with a record of each member’s attendance.
Committee Operating Procedures:
A summary of the standard operating procedures used to conduct business during the year.
Motions brought to the Senate floor:
Give the motion number, and motion statement as well as the committee vote and senate action on each motion that this committee brought to the Senate body for action. One paragraph summary of committee work for each motion
Other Significant Deliberation (Non-Motions):
A one paragraph summary of each issue that consumed a significant amount of committee time.
Ad hoc committees:
For each ad hoc committee that was formed,
Specify committee name, membership, identify committee officers (chair, vice chair, secretary)
Provide a one paragraph summary of its work. (likely submitted by an ad hoc committee officer)
Finally specify whether their work was completed, and if not whether your committee recommends that the committee continue their work in the following academic year.
Committee Reflections:
What worked well, what did not work so well. Given your charge, how did you spend your time?
Committee Recommendations:
Advice to the membership of the committee for the next academic year such as:
Are there any issues that should be considered by this committee the following year?
Are there any issues that this year's committee was unable to complete its work on?
Do any of this year's committee actions require follow-up? (i.e. a policy was drafted, but there was a recommendation for a review of the policy during the following year.)
Recommendations on calendar (meeting times, outline items that you expect would be considered annually)
Recommend items for consideration at the governance retreat:
*denotes items to be filled in by ECUS