ECUS Meeting

Tuesday January 16, 2007

3:00 – 5:00 President’s Conference Room

Tentative Agenda


Regrets:  President Leland (BoR Meeting)


1.   Call to order


2.   Information Items

      a.   President’s Update (President Leland)


3.   Action Items 

a.   Proposed Revisions to University Senate Bylaws

b.   Review and finalize University Senate Agenda (Jan 27, 2006 meeting)

·        Unfinished Business (consider need to provide Nov 2006 reports orally)

·        Clarify parliamentary details of tabled motion

o       When can it be removed from the table (within AGC report? anytime?)

o       A motion to "take from the table" requires a second, is not amendable, is not debatable, and requires only a majority vote.


4.   Steering Function Items  (University Senate Bylaws Committee Memberships and Scopes (Jan 2007)  word file)

Contextual Information from Dr. Roy Moore:  Both proposed have been reviewed by university counsel, Quintus Sibley, an ad hoc research compliance (with state and federal guidelines) committee that I chaired, and Vice President Gormly.

      a.   Conflict of Interest Policy (word file)

      b.   Policy and Procedures on Scholarly Misconduct (word file)


5.   DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Jan 23,  3:00-5:00)


Senate Calendar Items:

Sun Jan 14 Motions Due to ECUS (entered in the online motion database)

Sun Jan 21 US Meeting Agenda to Senators

Tue Jan 23 Joint SCC/ECUS Meeting for Agenda Coordination for February 2, 2007 Committee Meetings

Mon Jan 29 US Meeting

6.      Adjourn



After the adjournment of the full committee meeting, the elected members of ECUS may choose to discuss the following items.



Elected Faculty (Kendra, Tanya, Karynne, Craig) Workshop Agenda  President’s Conference Room
(This workshop is open to all members of the committee that wish to participate)


1.      Updates to ECUS Checklists from last week

2.      Review at-large faculty senator election procedure and timeline