ECUS 2004-2005 Committee Operating Procedures A summary of the standard operating procedures used to conduct business during the year.

Note:  The following details worked well for 2004-2005, but particular meeting and deadline times may require revision for future Executive Committees

§         Standing meeting time is Wednesday commencing at 10:00 am in the President's office

§         By 5:00 pm on Monday either the meeting was canceled or a tentative agenda was distributed

·          The tentative agenda is drafted by the chair in consultation with the secretary

·          Additional agenda items from other members of the committee are invited

·          Drafts of supporting documentation for agenda items are provided prior to the meeting whenever possible to encourage and facilitate review prior to the meeting

·          By 5:00 pm Wednesday the draft of the meeting minutes are available for review until noon Friday

·          Official minutes are posted on Friday afternoons

o        ECUS members review the initial draft of the minutes of the University Senate meetings prior to distribution to the University Senate

o        Actions agreed upon by the Executive Committee are tracked using an action tracking form which keeps the following information: the date the action was charged, the action itself, the point person responsible for completing the action, the status of the action while it is being completed, and the date completed.

o       Each faculty member on ECUS serves as a liaison to one of the Standing Committees to assist the committee in an advisory role.