Senate Attendance Procedure

(Approved by Standing Committee Chairs and ECUS members, 09-19-06)


Relevant Bylaw

II.Section3.B.5. Each University Senator is expected to attend every University Senate meeting.  Each member of a senate committee is expected to attend every meeting of that committee. A report that contains an aggregation of the attendance records of committees and the University Senate shall be accessible to all members of the University Community in an appropriate format. Substitutes are not allowed to vote on any issue. A person who is on authorized leave for an extended period of time shall notify the Chair of the Committee to which the person has been elected, or the Chair of the Executive Committee, of his/her anticipated absence.



    When a member of the University Senate (US) or one of its committees (AGC, BPC, ECUS, SAC, USC) is absent from a meeting, the absence will be coded as “Regrets” if the member has notified both the Secretary and Chair prior to the meeting time.  This notification should be by email.  Failure to make this notification will result in the absence being coded as "Absent".


For 2006-2007

AGC  (Academic Governance Committee)                       REPORT ANTICIPATED AGC ABSENCE

Mike Gleason (Chair)

Holley Roberts (Secretary)


BPC  (Budget and Planning Committee)                                   REPORT ANTICIPATED BPC ABSENCE

Richard Mercier (Chair)

Doug Oetter (Secretary)


ECUS  (Executive Committee of the University Senate)          REPORT ANTICIPATED ECUS ABSENCE

Craig Turner (Chair)

Tanya Goette (Secretary)


SAC  (Student Affairs Committee)                             REPORT ANTICIPATED SAC ABSENCE

Kathleen McGeever (Chair)

Julia Huprich (Secretary)


USC  (University Services Committee)                            REPORT ANTICIPATED USC ABSENCE                 

Ken McGill (Chair)

J.J. Hayden (Secretary)


US  (University Senate)                                                               REPORT ANTICIPATED US ABSENCE

Craig Turner (ECUS Chair)

Tanya Goette (Secretary of the Senate)


Attendance Codes

X = Present 

Regrets = Not present at meeting and sent notification of absence to Chair and Secretary prior to the meeting

Absent = Not present at meeting and no prior notification given