Committee Name:  Retention Committee


Person or position/office to whom this administrative committee makes recommendations: 
Dr. Paul Jones, Vice President for Institutional Research and Enrollment Management

Source of authority for this administrative committee:  BOR directive

Charge:  Reporting to the Vice President for Institutional Research and Enrollment Management (VP for IR&EM), the purpose of the GC&SU Retention Committee is to examine factors that affect student retention and attrition at GC&SU.

Additionally, the committee will recommend a plan which will include short-term and long-term strategies that will improve the overall persistence rates of students. This responsibility includes the review of policies, programs, and procedures that affect student success (i.e., advising, orientation, registration, freshmen year experience, transfer, etc.).
The committee will provide regular updates to the VP for IR&EM and, particularly with respect to its review of policy, to appropriate university senate committees.


Which standing committee(s) might this administrative committee recommend policies or policy changes?:  Academic Governance
Is it required that part of the membership be elected?  No
 If yes, specify procedures: N/A

This committee was registered by:

Name:  Ken McGill
Phone:  478-445-5271  email:
on Tuesday August 23, 2005