Committee Name:  Instructional Technology Advisory Group
Person or position/office to whom this administrative committee makes recommendations:  Technology Planning Council

Source of authority for this administrative committee:  Autumn Grubb, chair
Charge:  Provide advice or input about value-added technology use that improves teaching and learning. Collected from peers and students, suggestions are offered as ITAG recommendations to the Technology Planning Council and should help establish good practice or procedures in technology-infused teaching and learning.
Douglas O'Grady
Deborah Vess
Charles Martin
Gita Williams
Julia Metzker
Jeanne Sewell
Bryan Marshall
Shaundra Walker
Lee Gillis
Autumn Grubb, chair
Which standing committee(s) might this administrative committee recommend policies or policy changes?:  Resources, Planning, and Institutional Policy Committee
Is it required that part of the membership be elected?  No
If yes, specify procedures: No, membership was appointed by president.

This committee was registered on 08-29-2007 by:
Name:  Autumn Grubb
Phone:  478-491-3795  email: