Committee Name: Graduation Planning Task Force
Person or position/office to whom this administrative committee makes
recommendations: President
Source of authority for this administrative committee: President
Charge: To plan graduation ceremony
Student Government President or Rep
Students - 3
Carol Bader
Carol Brown
Dixie Clark
Cathy Crawley
Bee Crews
Kyle Cullars
Ana Edwards
Funke Fontenot
Karen Frith
Pam Glover
Richard Goodson
Anne Gormly
Chris Grant
Bob Haney
Lynn Hanson
Bruce Harshbarger
Kathy Hill
Maureen Horgan
Paul Jones
Amy Keith
Cheryl Kish
David Muschell
Mike Pletsch
Beth Rushing
Dee Russell
Sarah Scott
Lyndall Warren
Jim Wolfgang
Bill Wendt
Jane Whitfield
Which standing committee(s) might this administrative committee
recommend policies or policy changes?: Student Affairs
Is it required that part of the membership be elected? No
If yes, specify procedures: N/A
This committee was registered by:
Name: Maryllis Wolfgang