Committee Name:  Faculty Teaching Awards Committee


Person or position/office to whom this administrative committee makes recommendations:  Vice President for Academic Affairs


Source of authority for this administrative committee:  Formerly, under the previous statutes, the Faculty Awards Committee, formerly named the Faculty Development Committee


Charge:  Using previously established criteria, solicit and review nominations for Excellence in Teaching Awards, Distinguished Professor, and Department/Program Excellence Awards. This committee will select the award winners and present them to the Vice President and Dean of Faculties. This committee will also solcit, review, and recommend nominations for the Regents' Awards and submit them to the Vice President for submission to the University System Office.



Two faculty elected from each of the four schools. One elected faculty member from the Library.

Which standing committee(s) might this administrative committee recommend policies or policy changes?:  Academic Governance


Is it required that part of the membership be elected?  Yes

 If yes, specify procedures: Serve 3 year term.

This committee was registered by:

Name:  Lori Westbrook  (Administrative Assistant in Academic Affairs)
Phone:  445-4715  email:
on September 9, 2005