Committee Name:  Conflict Resolution Committee


Person or position/office to whom this administrative committee makes recommendations:  President


Source of authority for this administrative committee:  BOR Alternate Dispute Resolution Initiative


Charge:       The membership of the Conflict Resolution Committee shall be appointed by the President and shall consist of one faculty member from each school, one faculty member from the university library, two representatives from the classified personnel of the university nominated by the Staff Council, one non-classified administrator, one member from the Division of Student Affairs, two student members nominated by the President of the Student Government Association and approved by the Student Senate, and one at-large member.  The Director of Human Resources, the Director of Institutional Equity, and the Director of Legal Affairs shall serve as ex officio, non-voting members of the committee.  The Chairperson shall be elected by the membership of the committee.


     The Conflict Resolution Committee shall be advisory to the President and the University Senate.  It shall:

1.  Periodically review the university's written policies and procedures for the resolution of conflicts between and among faculty, staff, administrators and students.

2.  Make periodic recommendations for the revision and improvement of such policies, including the incorporation of alternative dispute resolution procedures into the university's policies governing grievances, disciplinary actions, and appeals.


3.  Monitor policies and procedures of the Board of Regents related to conflict resolution, and recommend revisions to university policies in order to ensure compliance with all initiatives, directives, and policies of the Board related to conflict resolution on campus.


4.  Develop and recommend innovative and effective policies and procedures designed to avoid, manage and resolve conflicts among faculty, staff, administrators and students in a university setting.


     The Committee will be registered as an administrative committee in accordance with the University Senate Bylaws.



Dave Groseclose, Assistant Vice President for Human Services and Budget
Beth Rushing, Dean, School of Liberal Arts &  Sciences
Chris Greer, School of Education faculty member
Gerald Atkins, School of Business faculty member
Douglas Keith, School of Health Sciences faculty member
Rachel Schipper, University Librarian
Doris Henderson, Sr. Administrative Secretary
Monica Wood, Special Projects Coordinator
Allia Carter, Director, Diversity & Multicultural Affairs
Lila Roberts, Chair/Professor, Mathematics
Diane Kirkwood, Director of Human Resources
Quintus Sibley, Director of Legal Affairs
Director for Institutional Equity (TBD)
Two students (TBD)

Which standing committee(s) might this administrative committee recommend policies or policy changes?:  University Services


Is it required that part of the membership be elected?  No

 If yes, specify procedures: N/A

This committee was registered by:

Name:  Quintus W. Sibley
Phone:  445-2037  email:
on October 18, 2005.