Alcohol and Other Drug Task Force

Person or position/office to whom this administrative committee makes recommendations : President

Source of authority for this administrative committee: President

Charge of committee/council: The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act (Public Law 101-226), initially enacted in 1989, places a number of requirements on schools in order to continue receiving Federal funds. One of the recommendations included in the latest Reauthorization Act for this legislation calls for a broad-based Presidential AOD Task Force to examine local conditions, make and implement recommendations and assure compliance with Federal regulations. The task force has the following charge.

1.Review existing programs and policies related to alcohol and other drugs and make recommendations for modifications as needed. 2.Assess local attitudes toward, and use of, alcohol and other drugs, and examine campus climate, traditions, activities and facilities for their impact or potential impact on AOD use and abuse. 3.Develop a comprehensive program including public relations, policies, judicial systems, curriculum infusion, community partnerships, to educate and to change the campus climate and attitudes about AOD abuse. 4.Monitor campus conditions and evaluate AOD prevention efforts. 5.Assure compliance with the provisions of the Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act.

Membership of committee/council: Barbara Funke, Chairperson Arnie Wade Laura Fitzgerald Quintus Sibley Richard Goodson Ken Vance Mitch Clarke Craig Smith Sherolyn Hopkins Chad Clark Megan Hughes (SHS graduate student member) Matt Lindsay (undergraduate student member)

Which standing committee(s) might this administrative committee recommend policies or policy changes?: USC

Is it required that part of the membership be elected? NO


Phone: 445-1780