From: Karynne Kleine <>
To: Craig Turner <>
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 09:52:18 -0500
Subject: RE: Furlough Statement to USGFC
I would like to see the faculty council take a unified position on requiring a reasonable degree of faculty input on decisions regarding faculty as well as a compilation of the "hits" (pain statement???)  USG faculty have taken re:
1) furloughs (both the loss of compensation but MORE importantly that we can't have it impact teaching),
2) delayed (or lost) compensation including
     a) the failure to put retirement funds into retirement accounts,
     b) the limitation of 30% additional pay for additional duties, and c) loss of merit increase,
3) the ADP debacle and inefficient use of our time, and finally
4) the long-term implications of treating academia as a corporate rather than an educational institution.  

I think a comprehensive statement, though harder to construct and advance, is more useful