From: Russell Porter
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:46 PM
To: ''; ''; ''; 'RSCHADE@MCG.EDU'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Russell Porter; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''
Cc: ''; ''; Thomas Harden; Sharon E. Hoffman; Tom Eaves; Stephen Burnett; Betty Glenn; Ron Jackson; Russell Porter
Subject: All USG Faculty Governance Units - Outcomes from March 14, 2008 Meeting
To All USG Faculty Governance Units:
We had a very successful meeting of the USG Faculty Governance Units on March 14, 2008 at Clayton State University. From that meeting, two very important outcomes were: 1. The proposed creation of the University System of Georgia Faculty Council along with drafted bylaws, and 2. An interim report of the USG Core Curriculum committee as presented by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Susan Herbst.
Attached are the following: 1. The Draft Bylaws for the USGFC to present to your respective faculty governance unit and President for their review and potential adoption, and 2. The interim report of the USG Core Curriculum as sent out by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Susan Herbst with the chair of the respective committee ? Dr. Dorothy Leland (President of Georgia College and State University) writing the report .
Please note that at this time, we do not nave an email for the Faculty Governance Unit from the following institutions: 1. Dalton State College, 2. East Georgia College, 3. Gainesville State College, and 4. Middle Georgia College. We have included the respective VPAA?s email for those four institutions to convey to their respective faculty governance unit the attachments. If we overlooked a previous email from one of those four institutional faculty governance units, I apologize and take responsibility for the miscommunication.
Please indicate if you have suggestions for improvement of the USGFC Drafted Bylaws and/or adoption of the USGFC via this email. We would like to have the USGFC in place prior to the Fall 2008 semester. Thank you for your time on this important endeavor.
Russell Porter, Ph.D., Ed.D.
Current Chair ? Faculty Council, Clayton State University