Address to New Faculty Orientation

August 11, 2005


Good afternoon.  I’m Betty Block – Professor of Kinesiology and Chair of the Executive Committee of the University Senate.  I am here today to introduce you to the process of shared governance and to invite you to participate in it. 


The University Senate is the policy-making body of the institution.  It is structured so that everyone shares and understands the decision-making processes regarding academics, services, budgets, strategic planning, and issues that affect personnel at every level.


Everyone employed here has a representative voice on the University Senate.  Faculty senators, who are members of the Corps of Instruction, hold the majority of Senate membership and are responsible for chairing the Standing Committees of the University Senate.


There are four standing committees of the University Senate that guide the development of policy:  Academic Governance, University Services, Budget and Planning, and Student Affairs.


The Academic Governance Committee has the responsibility of considering and making policy recommendations regarding all issues that affect Corps of Instruction faculty, curriculum, instruction, and academic programs and policies that affect the entire University. 


The University Services Committee reviews and recommends policy related to technology, and issues regarding the health, welfare, and safety of the University Community.


The Budget and Planning Committee has the responsibility of the budgeting process and its impact on the general educational policy and welfare of the University Community.


The Student Affairs Committee considers and makes recommendations and policies regarding students,  including residence life, scholarships, all student ceremonies, athletic affairs, and University Diversity Planning.


Again, all of these committees are chaired by Corps of Instruction faculty Senators and the majority membership of these committees is faculty.  Each of these committees have representative participation from across campus and include students, administrators (by virtue of title), and staff.


The Committee that I chair is the Executive Committee. This committee has the responsibility of overseeing the operation of the University Senate and has an advisory role to the President.  The Executive Committee is, by Bylaws, chaired by a Corps of Instruction faculty member and includes representation from all four Schools, the President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.


The University Senate is still in the infancy stage of development.  It has been only two years since we have been fully operating within the new structure.  But in this short time, I have seen positive growth and interaction in the shared governance process occur at all levels.  The Statutes and Bylaws were carefully written to include a flexible process for review and revision.  We have autonomy within them to create an environment of shared responsibility and growth that supports our liberal arts mission.


You are here because involved Corps of Instruction faculty and administrators are dedicated to hiring people that are devoted professionals who fit in our system of shared governance.  We encourage you to pay attention to the policies that the University Senate deliberates and become involved in policy discussions early.  We will welcome and honor your fresh perspective.


Everything we do is available on our Web page including the governance calendar, links to Senators and Committees, and our Statutes and Bylaws.   


I would like to close by letting you know about some of the beliefs, rights and responsibilities that you have here:

All rules, regulations, policies and procedures are clearly defined, supported, adhered to, and widely distributed to everyone. You have the right to participate in the governance of the University and the right to be heard, without repercussion, regardless of position, rank, or level of authority.  We also believe that all members of this community share the responsibility for the education and development of life-long learning opportunities for all of us.


The University Senate welcomes you to GC&SU and invites you to participate with us in Shaping our Future through Shared Governance


Thank you.