Approved by GCSU Faculty 09-23-02

BOR Approved 02-05-03

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Section 1. Georgia College & State University is one of the institutions constituting the University System of Georgia. It is subject to the general jurisdiction of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. The term "Board of Regents" as used in these Statutes shall mean the Board of Regents and its executive officer, the Chancellor.


Section 2. Georgia College & State University shall exercise all authority conferred upon it by the Board of Regents, including the awarding of appropriate degrees to qualified candidates after recommendation by the appropriate faculties of the several academic units of the University.


Section 3. These Statutes are subordinate to the Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Regents and amendments thereto hereafter adopted.


Section 4. The confidentiality and security of university faculty, staff, and student files (including electronic files) in offices throughout the campus shall be preserved and protected at all times, insofar as it is consistent with state and federal law. Information of a personal and private nature about university faculty, staff, and students shall not be divulged by any office of the University, except upon legal grounds or for official university purposes or at the request of and with the consent of the faculty, staff, or student member concerned.


Section 5. The policies and regulations of the Board of Regents will govern the eligibility of persons for employment or retention on the faculty, administration, and staff.


Section 6.  Academic units and divisions of the University shall create their own bylaws and policies that are consistent with the policies of the Board of Regents and with these statutes, and through the bylaws shall establish appropriate committees as may be needed for orderly and efficient governance.



A.     The basic criteria for the appointment and promotion of employees of the University shall be appropriate qualifications and performance as set forth in the policies of the Board of Regents. Relationships by a family or marriage shall constitute neither an advantage nor a disadvantage.


B.     No individual shall be employed in a department or unit that will result in the existence of a subordinate-superior relationship between such individual and any relative of such individual through any line of authority. As used herein, "line of authority" shall mean authority extending vertically through one or more organizational levels of supervision or management. This standard does not apply to the temporary or part-time employment of children under age 25, nor to any individual employed as of February 14, 1990, at any institution where a relative of such individual then holds a superior position at least one level of supervision removed from such individual in any line of authority. Exceptions may be approved by the Board of Regents upon recommendation of the Chancellor as being clearly in the best interest of the University and the University System.


C.     For the purpose of this policy, relatives are defined as husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers, sisters and any in-laws of any of the foregoing.






Section 1.  The executive officers of the University are:  The President, The Vice President and Dean of Faculties, The Vice President for Business and Finance, The Vice President and Dean of Students, and The Vice President for University Advancement.  Administrative officers of the University shall include all administrators that report directly to executive officers, administrators that have faculty rank, and administrators that have been granted faculty status by the President.  Faculty status does not confer the rights associated with faculty rank but does entitle the holder to the privileges of attending, speaking and voting at University faculty meetings.  The President shall maintain a list of administrative officers and staff holding faculty status that will, in addition, be on file in the Chancellor’s office. All executive officers and administrators whose appointments are provided for by these Statutes shall hold their administrative offices at the pleasure of the President.

Section 2.  THE PRESIDENT 


A.     The President shall be the executive head of the university and of all its departments, and shall exercise such supervision and direction as will promote the efficient operation of the institution.  The President shall be responsible to the Chancellor for the operation and management of the university and for the execution of all directives of the Board and the Chancellor.  The President shall be the ex officio chair of the faculty and shall preside at meetings of the faculty.  The President or the President’s designee shall be the ex officio chair and preside at meetings of the University Senate.  The President shall be the official medium of communication between the faculty and the Chancellor, and between the University Senate and the Chancellor.


B.     The President shall recommend to the Board of Regents, through the Chancellor, the initial appointment of faculty members and administrative employees of each institution, the salary of each, and all promotions and tenure awards and be authorized to make all reappointments of faculty members and administrative employees.  The President shall have the right and authority, with the approval of the Chancellor, to fill vacancies in the faculty between meetings of the Board with the understanding that these appointments shall be approved by the Board.  The President has the right and authority to grant leaves of absence to members of the faculty for study at other institutions or for such reasons as the President may deem proper.  He/she shall make an annual report to the Board, through the Chancellor, of the work and condition of the institution under his/her leadership.


C.     The President of the university, or his/her designee, is authorized to accept on behalf of the Board the resignation of any employee of his/her institution.


D.     The President or the President’s designee shall have the authority to execute, accept, or deliver, on behalf of the Board, the agreements specified in Section 204 of the Board of Regents policy.


E.      The President shall be authorized by the Board of Regents to take or cause to be taken any and all such other and further action as in the judgment of the President may be necessary, proper or convenient in order to carry out the intent of the policies of the Board of Regents.


F.      Per Board of Regents policy, the President shall have the following specific powers, duties, and responsibilities:


1.      Subject to the approval of the Board of Regents, the President shall select a Vice President and Dean of Faculties, and such other general administrators and assistants as are needed to carry out the responsibilities and duties of the President’s office, and shall identify and define their responsibilities and determine their titles.


2.      Upon the recommendation of candidates by the appropriate faculty, the President shall confer all degrees and issue diplomas and certificates.


3.      The President shall prepare the annual budget of the university and recommend to the Chancellor amendments thereto.


4.      The President shall facilitate the administration of all policy decisions made by the University Faculty and University Senate.


5.      The President shall have the power to appoint special committees for consultation and advice regarding administrative issues of the university or for assistance in the performance of such functions of the university as may be necessary to the implementation of the regulations of the Board of Regents.


6.      The President has the right to veto all actions of the University Faculty or University Senate within a period of fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of said action.  However, when the President exercises veto power, he/she shall give to the group concerned a written statement of the reason(s) for the veto.  Thereafter, the concerned group shall have the right to appeal the President’s decision to the Board of Regents.


7.      The President shall settle all questions of conflict of jurisdiction or interpretation that may arise under these Statutes and any Bylaws that define the governance structure at Georgia College & State University.


8.      The President shall keep the various units of the university advised regularly on organizational changes and shifts in the responsibilities of administrative officers through memoranda, organizational charts, and other communication media.


9.      The President shall preside at official university ceremonies.


10.  During short-term absences from the campus, the President may delegate functions of the office to another executive officer of the university.


11.  The President shall respond appropriately to individual and organized benefactors.


12.  The President shall lead, consult, advise, and, in cooperation with the faculty, develop goals and objectives consistent with the University’s mission statement.


13.  The President shall have any other power, duty, and responsibility as set forth in the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents.




The Vice President and Dean of Faculties shall be a member of the faculty and report directly to the President of the University.  This officer shall be responsible for all the administrative functions of the division of Academic Affairs at the University and other related academic functions of the institution as defined in the University's Mission Statement and in these Statutes. The Vice President and Dean of Faculties shall administer such other duties and responsibilities pertaining to the office as assigned by the President.




The Vice President for Business and Finance shall report directly to the President of the University.  This officer shall be responsible for all the administrative functions of financial services, Physical Facilities & Services, Human Resources, and financial planning and reporting of auxiliary units.  The Vice President for Business and Finance shall administer such other duties and responsibilities pertaining to the office as assigned by the President.




The Vice President and Dean of Students shall report directly to the President of the University.  This officer shall be responsible for all the administrative functions of the division of Student Affairs of the University.  The Vice President for Student Affairs shall administer such other duties and responsibilities pertaining to the office as assigned by the President.




The Vice President for University Advancement shall report directly to the President of the University.  This officer shall be responsible for all the administrative functions of the division of Alumni Affairs and University Advancement.  The Vice President for University Advancement shall administer such other duties and responsibilities pertaining to the office as assigned by the President.




The Deans of the various academic units shall report directly to the Vice President and Dean of Faculties. The Deans shall be responsible for all the administrative functions of their respective academic units. The Deans shall administer such other duties and responsibilities pertaining to the office as assigned by the President and/or Vice President and Dean of Faculties.  The University Librarian shall provide the same administrative functions of a Dean with regard to operations of the University library.  Each Dean and the University Librarian shall provide the opportunity for their faculty to organize as appropriate for the internal governance of their academic unit in order to provide maximum service to the academic/university community. This organization shall be effective upon the approval of the faculty of each respective academic unit and the President.



Each executive and administrative officer shall be evaluated by that administrator's immediate supervisor, using a performance management instrument that emphasizes leadership qualities, management style, planning and organizing capacities, effective communication skills, accountability for diversity efforts and results, and success at meeting goals and objectives. In addition, all administrators shall be evaluated by their subordinates (one level down) at least once every five years. Evaluation results will be the basis for the administrator's development plan and shall be used in the overall evaluation of the administrator.




The Chairs of the various academic departments shall report directly to their respective Deans. The Chairs shall be responsible for all the administrative functions of their respective departments.  The Chair shall be the official representative of the department in all official communications with the Dean, the Vice President and Dean of Faculties, the President, and other officers of the University, and also in all departmental communications with the students.  The Chair shall be evaluated by the faculty of the department at least every five years. This evaluation shall be conducted by the dean who shall notify the President and the Vice President and Dean of Faculties of the results of this evaluation that shall be used in the overall evaluation of the Chair.






Section 1. The Administrative Council shall consist of the President (who shall be presiding officer), the Vice President and Dean of Faculties, other administrative officers to be designated by the President (always to include the deans of the various schools, and the University Librarian) and the members of the Executive Committee of the University Senate (See Article VI, Section 3).


Section 2. The Administrative Council shall be an advisory body to the President on all administrative policies of the University. The Council may recommend to the President such rules and regulations as will facilitate the administrative operations of the University, bring about closer correlation of its various departments and divisions, and improve the quality of all phases of its work.


Section 3. The members of the Executive Committee of the University Senate shall constitute an advisory committee of the faculty which the President may consult. The President may seek the advice of this committee in the handling of any problems that may arise.






Section 1.  The membership of the Staff Council shall be elected by and from the classified personnel of Georgia College & State University, as defined in the Policies of the Board of Regents, and all other regular non-faculty status employees.  Each of the defined departmental areas, academic units, and the University Library will be represented on Staff Council by each of those areas in accordance with the Staff Council Bylaws.


Section 2.  The Staff Council shall have the power to create its own bylaws and policies consistent with the Policies of the Board of Regents and with these Statutes, and through its bylaws shall establish appropriate committees as may be needed for orderly and efficient handling of its business.


Section 3.  The Staff Council shall act as an advisory body to the University President and shall act on behalf of the staff of the University where there is a need for a uniform policy throughout the University.  The Council shall represent the needs, interests, and concerns of the staff as a whole.


Section 4.  A meeting of the Staff Council shall be held at least once each semester.






Section 1.  The University Faculty shall consist of the Corps of Instruction and the Administrative Officers of the University having faculty rank or status.


A.     The Corps of Instruction shall consist of faculty members with full-time appointments as professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, lecturers, senior lecturers, and teaching personnel with such other titles as may be approved by the Board of Regents. Full-time research and extension personnel and duly certified librarians shall also be included in the Corps of Instruction on the basis of comparable training.


B.     Administrative officers of the University that have been granted faculty status by the President do not have rights associated with faculty rank but are entitled to the privileges of attending, speaking and voting at University faculty meetings. 


C.     Individuals holding adjunct appointments or other honorary titles shall not be considered to be members of the University Faculty.


D.     A faculty member who has academic rank and rights of tenure in the Corps of Instruction and who accepts an appointment as an administrative officer shall retain his or her academic rank and rights of tenure as an ex officio member of the Corps of Instruction but shall have no rights of tenure in the administrative office to which he or she has been appointed.  The additional salary, if any, for the administrative position shall be stated in the employment contract and shall not be paid to the faculty member when he or she ceases to hold the administrative position.


Section 2.  All appointments, reappointments, promotions, and the award of tenure to faculty are recommended by the President and subject to the approval of the Board of Regents.


A.     Departmental faculty members shall constitute, when feasible, search committees to solicit and screen applications of potential candidates for faculty positions within departments.  If sufficient faculty are not available within the department, the appropriate School Dean or University Librarian shall create a search committee of proper composition to solicit and screen applications of potential candidates.  These committees shall subsequently make recommendations of acceptable candidates to the department Chair.  Department faculty (along with others so appointed) shall also serve as members of a search committee to solicit and screen potential candidates for departmental Chairs.  These committees shall subsequently make recommendations of acceptable candidates to the appropriate School Dean or University Librarian.


B.     The qualifications, achievements, and past performance of faculty in their area(s) of responsibility shall be evaluated by the appropriate administrative officer using well-defined, stated criteria.  These evaluations shall occur at least annually and shall follow stated procedures as prescribed by the University.  Written student evaluations of instruction that emphasize improvement of teaching effectiveness shall be a part of each faculty evaluation.  The evaluation procedure may also utilize a written system of peer evaluations with emphasis placed on the faculty member’s professional development.  Policies and procedures shall ensure that each faculty member will receive a written report of each evaluation and that the results of the evaluation will be reflected in the faculty member’s annual salary recommendations.  Additionally, a compendium of these evaluations shall be used in the consideration of awarding promotion to higher faculty ranks and tenure.  The University shall ensure that the individuals responsible for conducting performance evaluations are appropriately trained to carry out such evaluations. 


C.     The criteria for promotion and tenure shall be clearly stated and emphasize excellence in teaching for all faculty.


D.     Faculty shall participate in a pre-tenure review process during their third year of progress toward tenure.  The criteria established for promotion and tenure, emphasizing excellence in teaching, shall be used as the focus for these reviews.


E.      All tenured faculty shall participate in a post-tenure review process. Each faculty member is to be reviewed five years after the most recent promotion or personnel action, and reviews shall continue at five-year intervals unless interrupted by a further review for promotion. The Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall review and approve institutional post-tenure review policies, as well as any subsequent revisions. These institutional policies must conform to the institution's mission and to System procedures for post-tenure review. Institutional policies also shall address cases in which a tenured faculty member's performance is deemed unsatisfactory.


Section 3.  The policies related to initial faculty rank appointment shall be the following:


A.     Every appointment shall be made on the basis of merit and qualifications.  Consideration shall be given to previous experience and potential of the appointee.  The evaluation of candidates shall include teaching ability, scholarly competence and activity, and general usefulness or promise to the University.  Initial appointees to the rank of instructor or assistant professor shall have, as a minimum, the master's degree, except for individuals of special learning and ability or for temporary emergency appointments.  Initial appointees to the rank of associate professor or full professor shall have a terminal degree or equivalent as defined in Article V, Section 5.


B.     Initial appointees shall be awarded faculty rank that is consistent with the criteria for promotion established below in Article V, Section 4.


Section 4.   PROMOTION 

The current promotion regulations as adopted by the Board of Regents are incorporated into these Statutes by this reference.  The policies related to promotion shall be the following:


A.     Recognized faculty ranks are Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer.  Promotion from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer shall be governed by Board of Regent’s policy.  Administrative officers of the University may be given appropriate faculty rank and/or status at the discretion of the President.


B.     The faculty member's length of service at the University shall be taken into consideration in determining if a faculty member can be considered for promotion given that promotion to a specific rank requires a minimum length of service with an institution as specified in the policies of the Board of Regents.


C.     Criteria for promotion to all professorial ranks shall include the following:


1.      At a minimum promotion shall be based on:


a.       Superior teaching.


b.      Outstanding service to the institution.


c.       Academic achievement.


d.      Professional growth and development.


2.      Noteworthy achievement in all four of the above need not be demanded, but should be expected in at least two, one of which shall be superior teaching.


3.      Promotions to the rank of associate and full professor shall require a terminal degree or equivalent as defined in Article V, Section 5.


4.      Neither the possession of a terminal degree, nor longevity of service, is a guarantee per se of promotion.


5.      Individual academic units of the University, along with the University Library or any other academic unit, may adopt additional and/or higher standards, as well as, more detailed criteria and procedures for promotion so long as they are consistent with this Article V.


D.     The following procedures shall govern the recommendations for, or against, promotion of eligible faculty members.


1.      The Office of the Vice President and Dean of Faculties shall inform eligible faculty, and their “line of authority” supervisors, when eligible for promotion and the dates when every promotion recommendation is due to appropriate University officials.


2.      Formal recommendation for, or against, promotion shall be made initially by peer faculty within the candidate’s own department (or similar body of comparable faculty) to the “line of authority” Department Chairperson.  This recommendation shall be presented in writing and accompanied by the faculty member’s documentation supporting his or her candidacy for promotion.  A copy of the recommendation to the Chairperson shall also be provided to the faculty member being considered for promotion.  If a recommendation is made against promotion, the faculty member has ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice to submit to the “line of authority” Chairperson a written statement in support of his or her candidacy for promotion.


3.      The “line of authority” Chair shall next provide a formal written recommendation for, or against, the faculty member’s promotion to the “line of authority” Dean.  This recommendation shall be presented in writing and accompanied by the faculty member’s documentation supporting his or her candidacy for promotion.  A copy of the Chairperson’s recommendation to the Dean shall also be provided to the faculty member being considered for promotion.  If the Chairperson recommends against promotion, the faculty member has ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice to submit to the “line of authority” Dean a written statement in support of his or her candidacy for promotion.


4.      The “line of authority” Dean shall next refer the department Chairperson’s recommendation for, or against, promotion (along with the faculty member’s documentation supporting their candidacy for promotion) to the promotion committee of the eligible faculty member’s academic unit for review, consideration, and recommendation.  The promotion committee’s formal recommendation shall be presented in writing to the “line of authority” Dean with supporting documentation used in making the recommendation.


5.      The “line of authority” Dean shall next provide a formal written recommendation for, or against, the faculty member’s promotion, along with supporting documentation that has been provided in support of the faculty member’s candidacy for promotion, to the Vice President and Dean of Faculties.  A copy of the Dean’s recommendation to the Vice President and Dean of Faculties shall also be provided to the faculty member being considered for promotion.  If the Dean recommends against promotion, the faculty member has ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice to submit to the Vice President and Dean of Faculties a written statement in support of his or her candidacy for promotion.


6.      The Vice President and Dean of Faculties shall next provide a formal written recommendation for, or against, the faculty member’s promotion, along with supporting documentation that has been provided in support of the faculty member’s candidacy for promotion, to the President of the University.  The Vice President and Deans of Faculties’ recommendation to the President of the University shall also be provided to the faculty member being considered for promotion.  If the Vice President and Dean of Faculties recommends against promotion, the faculty member has ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice to submit to the President of the University a written statement in support of his or her candidacy for promotion.


7.      The President of the University may recommend promotion to the Board of Regents after review of documentation supporting the faculty member’s candidacy for promotion, recommendations, consultation with “line of authority” supervisors, and/or other appropriate faculty.  The President’s decision regarding the eligible faculty member’s candidacy for promotion shall be provided to the faculty member once determined.  If the President does not recommend promotion, the faculty member shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Regents in accordance with Board policies.


Section 5.  A documented record detailing a combination of all the following may be considered as equivalent to the terminal degree.  “Equivalent” shall be used very sparingly and for only fully justified and fully documented reasons.


A.     Distinguished reputation in the discipline of appointment.


B.     Extraordinary accomplishments in research, scholarly publications, and/or creative work.


C.     Superior teaching.


D.     Significant level of formal and integrated study beyond the master's degree.


Section 6.   TENURE 


The current tenure regulations as adopted by the Board of Regents are incorporated into these Statutes by this reference.  The policies related to tenure shall be the following:


A.     The faculty member's length of service at the University shall be taken into consideration in determining if a faculty member can be considered for tenure, given that tenure requires a minimum length of service with an institution as specified in the policies of the Board of Regents.


B.     Criteria for tenure shall include the following:


1.      At a minimum, tenure shall be based on:


a.       Superior teaching.


b.      Outstanding service to the institution.


c.       Academic achievement.


d.      Professional growth and development.


2.      Noteworthy achievement in all four of the above need not be demanded, but should be expected in at least two, one of which shall be superior teaching.


3.      Neither the possession of a terminal degree, nor longevity of service, is a guarantee per se of tenure.


4.      Individual academic units of the University, along with the University Library or any other academic unit, may adopt additional and/or higher standards, as well as, more detailed criteria and procedures for tenure so long as they are consistent with this Article V.


C.     The following procedures shall govern the recommendations for, or against, grants of tenure to eligible faculty members.


1.      The Office of the Vice President and Dean of Faculties shall inform eligible faculty, and their “line of authority” supervisors, when eligible for tenure and the dates when every tenure recommendation is due to appropriate University officials.


2.      Formal recommendation for, or against, tenure shall be made initially by peer faculty within the candidate’s own department (or similar body of comparable faculty) to the “line of authority” Department Chairperson.  This recommendation shall be presented in writing and accompanied by the faculty member’s documentation supporting his or her candidacy for tenure.  A copy of the recommendation to the Chairperson shall also be provided to the faculty member being considered for tenure.  If a recommendation is made against tenure, the faculty member has ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice to submit to the “line of authority” Chairperson a written statement in support of his or her candidacy for tenure.


3.      The “line of authority” Chair shall next provide a formal written recommendation for, or against, the faculty member’s tenure to the “line of authority” Dean.  This recommendation shall be presented in writing and accompanied by the faculty member’s documentation supporting his or her candidacy for tenure.  A copy of the Chairperson’s recommendation to the Dean shall also be provided to the faculty member being considered for tenure.  If the Chairperson recommends against tenure, the faculty member has ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice to submit to the “line of authority” Dean a written statement in support of his or her candidacy for tenure.


4.      The “line of authority” Dean shall next refer the department Chairperson’s recommendation for, or against, tenure (along with the faculty member’s documentation supporting their candidacy for tenure) to the tenure committee of the eligible faculty member’s academic unit for review, consideration, and recommendation.  The tenure committee’s formal recommendation shall be presented in writing to the “line of authority” Dean with supporting documentation used in making the recommendation.


5.      The “line of authority” Dean shall next provide a formal written recommendation for, or against, the faculty member’s tenure, along with supporting documentation that has been provided in support of the faculty member’s candidacy for tenure, to the Vice President and Dean of Faculties.  A copy of the Dean’s recommendation to the Vice President and Dean of Faculties shall also be provided to the faculty member being considered for tenure.  If the Dean recommends against tenure, the faculty member has ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice to submit to the Vice President and Dean of Faculties a written statement in support of his or her candidacy for promotion.


6.      The Vice President and Dean of Faculties shall next provide a formal written recommendation for, or against, the faculty member’s tenure, along with supporting documentation that has been provided in support of the faculty member’s candidacy for tenure, to the President of the University.  The Vice President and Deans of Faculties’ recommendation to the President of the University shall also be provided to the faculty member being considered for tenure.  If the Vice President and Dean of Faculties recommends against tenure, the faculty member has ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice to submit to the President of the University a written statement in support of his or her candidacy for tenure.


7.      The President of the University may recommend tenure to the Board of Regents after review of documentation supporting the faculty member’s candidacy for tenure, recommendations, consultation with “line of authority” supervisors, and/or other appropriate faculty.  The President’s decision regarding the eligible faculty member’s candidacy for tenure shall be provided to the faculty member once determined.  If the President does not recommend tenure, the faculty member shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Regents in accordance with Board policies.


Section 7.  The current policies and procedures for dismissal of faculty members as adopted by the Board of Regents are incorporated into these Statutes by this reference. The current policies related to employment and resignation of faculty members as adopted by the Board of Regents are incorporated into these Statutes by this reference.


Section 8.   Graduate faculty status is granted by the President in accordance with University policy.


Section 9.  The faculty member, as a member of the academic community, shall remain well informed of all rules and regulations pertaining to the prudent exercise of faculty rights and responsibilities.  The rights and responsibilities of a faculty member are the following.


A.     The faculty member is entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of the results, subject to the adequate performance of his or her other academic duties; but research and public service for pecuniary return should be based upon an understanding with the authorities of the University.


B.     University faculty members are entitled to academic freedom in the classroom in discussion and delivery of the applicable subject.


C.     University faculty members have the right to criticize and seek alteration of both academic and non-academic University policies, whether or not those policies affect them directly. University faculty are free from institutional censorship, discipline, or reprisal affecting their professional careers for exercising freedom of expression.


D.     The faculty member is a citizen, a member of a learned profession, and a representative of an educational institution. When speaking or writing as a citizen, the faculty member should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As a person of learning and an educator, the faculty member should remember that the public may judge the profession and the University by self-utterances. Hence, the faculty member should exercise appropriate restraint, and should make every effort to indicate that the faculty member is not an official University spokesperson.


E.      The faculty member will fulfill the terms of employment, abide by the Board of Regents' Policies and the University's policies and procedures.


F.      Any faculty member or other employee who interferes with the academic pursuits of teaching, learning and other campus activities is subject to disciplinary procedures possibly resulting in dismissal.


G.     In accordance with University and Regents' Policies, a faculty member of Georgia College & State University should avoid actual or apparent conflict of interests between his or her University obligations and his or her outside activities. Specifically,


1.      Members of the faculty shall not engage in any occupation, pursuit, or endeavor that will interfere with the normal and punctual discharge of official duties related to teaching, administrative, scholarly activities, and/or service.

2.      Faculty members are encouraged to participate in professional activities that do not interfere with the normal and punctual discharge of official duties provided the activity meets one of the following criteria: (1) is a means of personal professional development; (2) serves the community, state or nation; or (3) is consistent with the objectives of the University.


H.     Recognizing that teaching, research, and public service are the primary responsibilities of faculty members of Georgia College & State University, it shall be considered reasonable and desirable for faculty members to engage in consulting activities, which are defined for purposes of this policy as any additional activity beyond duties assigned by the institution, professional in nature and based in the appropriate discipline for which the individual receives additional compensation during the contract year. In accordance with the University System policies, Georgia College & State University has adopted the following guidelines governing consulting activities of faculty members:


1.      Reimburse the institution for use of the institution's personnel, facilities, equipment and/or materials consistent with rates charged outside groups or persons.


2.      Provide a written description of the consulting activity to the President or his or her designee together with a statement of assurance that the contemplated activity would not be in conflict with the faculty member's duties and responsibilities to the University.


3.      Obtain prior written approval of the President or his or her designee.


I.        Each faculty member shall become acquainted with and conform to the rules and regulations of the University relating to that member's responsibilities. These rules and regulations shall be published and kept current in the Faculty Handbook.  The Executive Committee of the University Senate shall ensure that up-to-date “hard” and “electronic” versions of the Faculty Handbook are archived to facilitate public access.


J.       Participation by a faculty member in disruptive activities that interfere with the orderly processes of education may result in immediate suspension from teaching duties. Such faculty member may be assigned non-teaching work, pending all legitimate appeals and decisions at the University level.


K.    A University Faculty member shall have the right to examine his/her official records as provided under state and federal law.


L.      The current policies related to faculty affirmative action rights and grievance procedures as adopted by the Board of Regents are incorporated into these Statutes by this reference.








A.     The University Senate of Georgia College & State University, having been created by direction of the University Faculty to act by and for that body, is endowed with all the legislative powers and authority of the University Faculty except for those powers specifically reserved by that body to itself. The University Faculty may review, amend, or repeal any policy decisions adopted by the University Senate.


B.     The University Senate, in keeping with the Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Regents, shall be the policy-making assembly at Georgia College & State University.  The University Senate shall exercise legislative functions dealing with all issues that affect the general educational policy of the University, the well-being of the University, the discipline of students, and all other student activities and affairs, including all matters where the President determines there is a need for uniform policy throughout the University. The University Senate shall have the responsibility for establishing committees (including any committee required to remain in compliance with policies of the Board of Regents, federal or state law, and accreditation or certification organizations) that are needed for orderly and efficient governance. The University Senate shall not adopt any regulations affecting curricula, or the internal affairs of an academic school/division except insofar as such action may be necessary to protect the interests of the University as a whole, but it may make recommendations to the faculty of an academic unit concerning matters within the jurisdiction of that academic unit.


C.     Any legislative action of the University Senate is subject to veto by the University Faculty and/or the University President.Section 2. Duties and Functions. The University Senate shall, in keeping with the bylaws and policies of the Board of Regents, exercise legislative functions dealing with the general educational policy of the University, the discipline of students, and all other student activities and affairs, including all matters where the President determines there is a need for uniform policy throughout the University. The University Senate shall not adopt any regulations affecting curricula, or the internal aff__!tc \l1 "Section 2. Duties and Functions. The University Senate shall, in keeping with the bylaws and policies of the Board of Regents, exercise legislative functions dealing with the general educational policy of the University, the discipline of students, and all other student activities and affairs, including all matters where the President determines there is a need for uniform policy throughout the University. The University Senate shall not adopt any regulations affecting curricula, or the internal aff__!


Section 2.   MEMBERSHIP.


A.     The University Senate shall consist of the President, who shall be the presiding officer, the Vice President and Dean of Faculties, the Vice President for Business and Finance, the Vice President and Dean of Students, the Vice President for University Advancement, the Chair of Staff Council, and the President of the Student Government Association. The President may appoint six (6) additional faculty, staff, students, and/or administrative officers after consultation with the Executive Committee of the University Senate.  Elected faculty representation shall be set at a fixed number of thirty-six (36) members that shall always provide for a three-quarter majority of voting members in the University Senate. The elected faculty representative positions shall be allocated in accordance with the Bylaws of the University Senate.  The President, Vice President and Dean of Faculties, Vice President for Business and Finance, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for University Advancement, Chair of the Staff Council, and President of the Student Government Association shall be permanent members by virtue of title. The six appointed members from the faculty, staff, students, and/or administrative officers shall be appointed annually by the President.


B.     Elected faculty members must have at least two (2) years of service at Georgia College & State University at the time they take office and shall be elected for two (2) year terms. Faculty elections for the forthcoming academic year shall be held during the Spring semester of the current academic year and shall take place in each academic unit by secret ballot after open nominations.  It will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to ensure that the terms for all academic units shall be staggered so that no more than one half of the University Senate membership changes in any given year.  Elected faculty representation shall be limited to faculty in the Corp of Instruction.


C.     Terms of service shall begin with the call to order of the first University Senate meeting of the academic year. Vacancies that occur during a term of service shall be filled for the remainder of that term in the same manner as the original election or appointment.




A.     The Executive Committee of the University Senate shall consist of the University President, the Vice President and Dean of Faculties, and four (4) elected members of the University Senate.  The four (4) elected members shall be chosen by secret ballot by the University Senate membership annually during the first Senate meeting of the academic year.  These six members shall then elect, by secret ballot, a Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary for the Executive Committee within ten (10) calendar days of being elected.  These elections shall be presided over by the University President.


B.     The Executive Committee shall meet as needed throughout the year to facilitate the functioning of the University Senate.  Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chair, President, or by written request from a majority of the Executive Committee membership.  A majority of the Executive Committee membership shall constitute a quorum.


C.     The duties of the Executive Committee shall include the following:


1.      The Executive Committee shall serve as members of the Administrative Council, an advisory body to the University President regarding the implementation of policies set by the University Senate or the Board of Regents. The members of the Executive Committee shall also constitute an advisory committee of the faculty that the University President may consult.


2.      The Executive Committee shall set the agenda for regular and called meetings of the University Senate.  The agenda shall be disseminated to members of the University Senate no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the meeting.  The Executive Committee shall also provide the text and any other supplemental information in a timely manner, when available, regarding any motions that are to be proposed to the Senate.


  1. The Executive Committee shall serve as the informal body of inquiry, as described in Board of Regent’s policy (803.1102), to mitigate the removal of any tenured or non-tenured faculty member.  The executive committee shall be responsible for the determination of confidentiality relating to such informal inquires, especially when sensitive information about particular individuals would be otherwise revealed.  If the executive committee has failed to effect an adjustment, they shall advise the president whether dismissal proceedings shall be undertaken. The executive committee’s recommendation shall not be binding on the president.


4.      Except when the University Senate gives specific directions, the Executive Committee shall, when consideration is being given to referring any matter to a standing committee, determine the standing committee which shall have jurisdiction; provided, however, that nothing in this responsibility shall challenge the University President’s authority and responsibility for interpretation of these Statutes and Bylaws or for determining ultimate jurisdiction when conflicts arise.


5.      The Executive Committee shall receive and disseminate reports of all standing committees prior to meetings of the University Senate.  The Executive Committee may review the reports and, when deemed appropriate, make its own recommendations in addition to forwarding those of the committees. 


6.      The Executive Committee shall appoint a Committee on Nominations that shall nominate candidates to committees of the University Senate for approval by the membership of the University Senate.


7.      The Executive Committee may recommend to the University Senate for their consideration and approval such standing and/or special committees as it deems necessary.


8.      The Executive Committee may consider and recommend to the University Senate any matters that are within the powers of the University Senate.


9.      The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility for initiating and maintaining the system of overlapping terms, for verifying representatives authorized to each academic unit, and for resolving questions related to the faculty election process.


10.  The Executive Committee shall ensure that up-to-date versions of these Statutes, the Faculty Handbook, and any Bylaws that define the governance structure in any unit of the University are archived in both “hard” and “electronic” format to facilitate public access.


Section 4.    MEETINGS.


A.     The University Senate shall meet at least four times during the academic year at a regular time designated in its Bylaws and at other times deemed necessary. The Chair of the Executive Committee of the University Senate shall have the option of canceling a maximum of two of these four meetings should he/she determine that there is insufficient business for the meeting. Special meetings may be called by the University President (the presiding officer of the Senate), the Executive Committee, or upon the petition of at least twenty percent (20%) of the membership of the University Senate.


B.     Any elected faculty representative on the University Senate shall have the right to call meetings of this group of senators for deliberative and informational purposes regarding issues being considered by the Senate. 


C.     A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.

D.     Adequate notice (at least 10 calendar days) shall be given of any University Senate meeting.


E.      Meetings of the University Senate and its committees, except the Executive Committee at its own discretion, shall be open to the university community, provided that only members have the privilege of voting, and non‑members shall have the privilege of the floor only when specifically provided by the University Senate or its committees.


F.      The minutes of the University Senate and its committees, including the Executive Committee, shall be open to inspection by the university community subject to applicable privacy and open records laws.




The University Senate shall have the power to make its own bylaws and policies consistent with the Policies and Bylaws of the Board of Regents and with these Statutes, and through its bylaws shall establish appropriate committees as may be needed (or required by policies of the Board of Regents, by federal or state law, or by accreditation or certification organizations) for orderly and efficient governance.  Faculty, staff, and students who are not members of the University Senate may be included on any University Senate committee except the Executive Committee and where otherwise specified. The majority of every committee shall be members of the University Senate. 


Section 6. The University President shall have the right to veto any action of the University Senate within a period of fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt by returning said action to the University Senate with a written statement of objections and by requesting that the matter be reconsidered. The University Senate may (a) accept the veto; (b) construct a compromise action and send it to the President; or (c) reject the veto with the request that the President reconsider. If either the University Senate or the President refuses to recede and if arrangement cannot be reached, the decision of the President shall stand, subject to referral to the Board of Regents through the Chancellor for review pursuant to pertinent policies of the Board of Regents.Section 5. The President shall have the right to veto any action of the University Senate within a period of fifteen (15) working days after receipt by returning said action to the University Senate with a written statement of objections and by requesting that the matter be reconsidered. The University Senate may (a) accept the veto; (b) construct a compromise action and send it to the President; or (c) reject the veto with the request that the President reconsider. If either the University Senate o__!tc \l1 "Section 5. The President shall have the right to veto any action of the University Senate within a period of fifteen (15) working days after receipt by returning said action to the University Senate with a written statement of objections and by requesting that the matter be reconsidered. The University Senate may (a) accept the veto; (b) construct a compromise action and send it to the President; or (c) reject the veto with the request that the President reconsider. If either the University Senate o__!






Section 1The University President shall be the presiding officer at meetings of the University Faculty.  In accordance with Article II (2) (F) (10), when the President is absent from the University, the functions of the President shall be exercised another executive officer of the University as designated by the President.


Section 2.  The University Faculty, shall make, subject to the approval of the University President, statutes, bylaws, rules and regulations for its governance and for that of the students; provide such committees as may be required; prescribe regulations regarding admission, suspension, expulsion, classes, courses of study, and requirements for graduation; and make such regulations as may be necessary or proper for the maintenance of high educational standards. A copy of the statutes, bylaws, rules and regulations made by the University Faculty shall be filed with the Chancellor. The University Faculty shall also have primary responsibility for those aspects of student life that relate to the educational process, subject to the approval of the University President.


Section 3.  The University Faculty or the University Senate shall have the right to initiate proposals that concern the well-being and effective functioning of the University and to set up special or standing committees or other representative bodies to carry on activities that it may initiate. Faculty motions and resolutions shall be referred to the appropriate administrative officer or authority for disposition according to the provisions of these Statutes.


Section 4.  The University Faculty shall have a regular University-wide general faculty meeting at least once a semester and as many other times as deemed necessary by the University Faculty or University President. The University President shall have the authority to call University Faculty meetings and the University Faculty shall have the authority to call University Faculty meetings upon petition to the President by at least twenty (20) percent of the faculty.  Adequate notice of at least ten (10) calendar days shall be given of all meetings. At least thirty-five percent (35%) of the faculty, as determined by the Parliamentarian, shall constitute a quorum at regular University Faculty meetings.  All persons who hold faculty rank and/or status shall be eligible to vote in regular faculty meetings and be counted in the quorum.


Section 5.  The University Faculty may develop a manual or bylaws specifying their own procedures within the limitation of the Policies of the Board of Regents and the Statutes of this institution.


Section 6.  The University Faculty shall elect a secretary who shall prepare the minutes of each meeting of the faculty, and shall make a copy, and any corrections thereto, available to each member of the faculty. A copy of the minutes shall be sent to the Chancellor.


Section 7.  The Faculty of each school and the University Library shall, under the leadership of their respective Deans and the University Librarian, identify appropriate organization and procedures to exercise faculty rights and responsibilities within each academic unit.  Each academic unit shall meet at least once per semester under the Chairpersonship of the Dean or University Librarian or his/her designee; the minutes of these meetings shall be distributed to the faculty of the respective school or library for approval and forwarded to the Vice President and Dean of Faculties and the University President for their information.


Section 8. The Faculty of each school and the University Library, in collaboration with the appropriate Dean, University Librarian, and Department Chairperson, shall have jurisdiction in accordance with overall University policy as follows:


A.     Recruitment, screening, and making recommendations of prospective faculty members, administrators, and staff.


B.     Initiation of the tenure, promotion, and merit-raise processes.


C.     Application of professional standards to faculty development.


D.     Monitoring of physical facilities needed for curriculum and class schedules.


E.      Recommendation of curriculum innovations, modifications, or deletions that do not directly or indirectly impair or obstruct the educational functions of the other degree granting academic units of the University.


F.      Structuring of admissions requirements to its programs in accordance with the general admissions requirements and the educational objectives of the University.


G.     Establishment of the necessary relationships with student organizations linked to major programs.


H.     Creation of committees for specific purposes and needs whenever deemed essential by the Faculty of the various academic units or library. Committees will be used sparingly and shall not assume any of the stated responsibilities of the University Senate.

I.        Advisement on all matters relating to the achievement of professional goals of faculty members, the conduct and quality of the programs of study within each school, and the achievement of the goals of the University as identified in the Georgia College & State University Mission Statement.


J.       Recommendation of curriculum changes, new major programs, certification areas, accreditation memberships, and professional affiliations.


Section 9. There shall be a standing committee of the University Faculty to hear grievances to which all members of the faculty shall have access. The committee shall have authority to conduct inquiries into faculty grievances, to attempt the resolution of those grievances by mediation, and to present to the President its recommendations for appropriate responses to the grievances it has considered.





Section 1.  Proposals for amending or modifying these Statutes must be approved by the University Faculty.  Approval requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the faculty at a meeting at which a quorum is present.  Proposals must be submitted in writing to the secretary of the University Faculty, who shall circulate them to the faculty at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the meeting that the proposal will be on the agenda.


Section 2.  The University President shall have fifteen (15) calendar days to decide whether to accept or veto any amendment or modification to these Statutes.  If the President vetoes the amendment or modification, he/she shall provide a written statement of the reason(s) for the veto. The University Faculty shall have the right to (a) accept the veto; (b) confer with the President to construct a compromise action; or (c) reject the veto with the request that the President reconsider. University Faculty decisions regarding these options must be made by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the faculty present at a meeting at which a quorum is present.  If the University Faculty or University President refuses to recede, and if agreement cannot be reached, the matter shall be referred to the Board of Regents for review pursuant to the pertinent policies of the Board of Regents.


Section 3.  These Statutes and amendments or modifications thereto become effective only after approval by the Board of Regents.





Georgia College & State University stipulates that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, creed, age, disability, or national origin, be excluded from employment or participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by Georgia College & State University or any of its several departments now in existence or hereafter established.




Section 1.  All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes and any Bylaws associated with units of the University, and for matters not covered in such Statutes and Bylaws, then in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 2.  A parliamentarian may be appointed when questions arise concerning parliamentary law.






The University President shall interpret these Statutes and any University Bylaws, when necessary, and shall exercise expressed and implied powers to implement them.  The President may seek consultation with the Executive Committee of the University Senate, as deemed necessary by the President, to accurately interpret and implement these Statutes and any University Bylaws.