X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise Internet Agent 7.0.2 HP Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2008 17:44:10 -0400 From: "Elizabeth Combier" <EGCombier@ngcsu.edu> To: <jsettimi@abac.edu>, <lvassiliou@abac.edu>, "Michael Toma" <Michael.Toma@armstrong.edu>, <melvin.shelton@asurams.edu>, <bmorgan@atlm.edu>, <crychly@aug.edu >, <jheck@aug.edu>, <msmith@bainbridge.edu>, "Gary Kline" <wgk@canes.gsw.edu>, <calverr@cgcc.edu>, <zuiderveen_jeffrey@colstate.edu>, <mditri@daltonstate.edu>, <kerri.johnson@darton.edu>, <sharman@ega.edu>, <brownj@fvsu.edu >, <craig.turner@gcsu.edu>, <c_davies@gdn.edu>, <phumphre@georgiasouthern.edu>, <thancock@ggc.usg.edu>, <mholling@gpc.edu>, <mnstone@gsu.edu>, <Leanne.West@gtri.gatech.edu >, <bnolen@highlands.edu>, <rpaul@kennesaw.edu>, <chornung@mail.maconstate.edu>, <MTINGEN@mail.mcg.edu>, <egcombier@ngcsu.edu>, <mettsr@savstate.edu>, <Lisa.arnold@sgc.edu >, "Lance Crimm" <lcrimm@spsu.edu>, <wvencill@uga.edu>, <chjames@valdosta.edu>, <mhende@waycross.edu>, <rlight@waycross.edu >, <AMACKINN@WESTGA.EDU>, "Denise Overfield" <doverfie@WESTGA.EDU>, <rreigner@WESTGA.EDU> Cc: <linda.noble@usg.edu>, <susan.herbst@usg.edu> Subject: USG Faculty Council Bylaws

Dear Colleagues,

Last spring a draft of the USG Faculty Council Bylaws was written by a small group of faculty and those bylaws were then circulated as a supporting document for endorsement of the formation of a system-wide faculty group, named the University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC). A majority of the institutions in the USG endorsed in concept the formation of the USGFC.

Upon review of the editorial suggestions for the draft Bylaws submitted by some institutions, it became obvious that the draft Bylaws were in need of revision by means of a collaboration of all three tier groups (research, comprehensive state universities and two-year schools): 1) in order to more fully represent the diversity of perspectives of all tiers in those Bylaws (and thus be endorsed by a majority of each of the tiers), 2) for credibility vis-à-vis the BoR/USG for any recommendations we make as a USG Faculty Council.

To that end, a group of representatives from each tier met on August 20, 2008 to draft revisions to the Bylaws amenable to the representatives of all three tiers of institutions. This group is the list of drafters you see in the attached document. I am delighted to report that we were successful.

This email is being sent to individuals believed to be point persons for the faculty or faculty governance unit of each USG institution. If you are not, please forward this to the point person at your institution and send me contact information (email address and name) of that individual so that I may appropriately direct future correspondence on this initiative.

On behalf of the drafting committee, I respectfully request that you arrange the consideration of the draft bylaws by the appropriate faculty group (faculty governance unit, faculty senate, university senate, faculty council, etc., OR full faculty) at your institution. The fundamental question is whether this faculty group at your institution will endorse (or not) the draft bylaws being circulated. Please complete this process at your earliest convenience and no later than Friday December 12, 2008.

I will maintain a tally of those who respond noting their position of endorsement (or not) and will send you an update at the conclusion of this process.

Thank you very much! I look forward to hearing from you.

Elizabeth Combier

Elizabeth Combier, PhD
CEO, Faculty Senate
No. Ga. College & State U.
Dept. of Modern Languages
Dahlonega, Georgia 30597