Governance Retreat Planning Committee Meeting

30 April, 2009    3-5:15 p.m. Special Ed. Conference Rm.


Present:                        Davis-Bray, Farr, Kleine, Turner           

Regrets:            Culpa-Bondal, Digiovanni, Christenson, Prock    


The committee reviewed the compilation of surveys received (40+) from senators and determined if any “aims for the retreat” had not been addressed in the tentative schedule.  It was determined that with the exception of a few items that should be directed to Standing Committee’s for their consideration: Formal gen. ed. assessment plan—CAPC; best defend faculty interests (2x)—FAPC; policies for contingencies for funding shortfalls—administration that the aims would be achieved in the retreat as planned.


The committee then reviewed and fleshed out the various proceedings planned for the retreat, assigning tasks to members.  There are still more to be completed.






Tentative Schedule for Governance Retreat

9 a.m. – 5 p.m. for 12 August, 2009.


8:30 – 9:00 Check-in and Light Refreshments


9:00 - 9:05 Welcome-- President Leland


9:05-9:15 Get to Know You Icebreaker (Larry please plan something fun & easy that will help senators learn new faces and names)

9:15 - 10:45 Orientation (Rotation of six people (5 chairs and History Overview) -- each stop 7-8 minutes)
Each standing committee will interact with chairs of this year’s committees (excepting ECUS) in a rotating fashion for about 7-8 minutes to learn of and ask/respond to questions about the work of that S.C., especially as to how it intersects with the particular S.C.  Chairs (or their designee) will rotate from committee to committee.  One additional “chair” role will be filled by Craig Turner who will provide the Senate overview and orientation.  Then all will come together to hear from ECUS to learn of its work and how items are steered to particular committees.  Finally attendees will work in 6 small groups of people nearby them to “mock” steer a senate issue to its proper committee. (Nancy please create 6 different mock issues for steering and four copies of each issue to be distributed) Note: Need to 1) double check space at WC to ensure is adequate; 2) Chairs come & are informed of responsibility (or appoint designee)


10:45 - 11:30 Robert's Rules  (Little time allocated for Ken to speak -- he may need up to 15 minutes; if he goes long other parts must be cut).  Introduction of usefulness of Robert’s Rules by long-time parliamentarian, Ken Farr. (10 mins.)  In newly re-mixed clusters of new and veteran senators (made by us), small groups of 6-7 people will be asked to review and discuss the Robert’s Rules “Cheat Sheet”, determine 3-4 items whose use would really benefit a “sticky” meeting, and draft a Robert’s Rules “Cheat Sheet”—Cliff Notes version. (15-20 mins.) These will be presented to the large group with suggestions as to what should be followed in the 2009-10 University Senate meetings. (15-20 mins.) Note: Need to ensure that the shaded rules on the current “Cheat Sheet” have highlighting removed.


11:30 - 11:45 Break with snacks and drinks
Break: (15 min.)


11:45 - 12:00  Use of Roberts Rules

GRPC members will role play parts of cases/scenarios that Ken Farr develops. Participants will then be asked to use the Roberts Rules and work with a partner to determine whether the case was enacted appropriately or not. Participants will be asked to volunteer answers and provide rationale.  This will lead into a guided discussion of the nature of the senate meetings.


12:00-12:45  Nature of Senate Meetings Guided Discussion:

Typical Senate meeting will be described and Presiding Officer request that the session to be used to provide direction for the upcoming year.  In small groups guided by one of a number of senate facilitators (e.g., Ken Farr, Craig Turner, Todd Shiver, Mike Rose , Karynne Kleine, Tanya Goette, Mike Whitfield, Ken McGill, Lee Digiovanni) participants will asked to consider the ways that Senate meetings might be redesigned to foster engagement and empowerment.  They will also be asked to prioritize their recommendations (20 mins.).  A scribe will ask for 1 idea per group of prioritized ideas until all are recorded.  Then by use of an “applaus-o-meter” the strength of each idea will be garnered.  Ideas with a great deal of support will be considered to redesign how University Senate meetings are conducted. (25 mins.)


12:45 - 2:00 Social and Lunch
Social and Lunch:  (75 min.)

Food, games, diversions, get-to-know-you, supporting collegiality activities


2:00 - 2:45 Mentoring Leaders and PR for University Senate—not fleshed out. 

2:45 - 3:00 Break

3:00 - 3:30 Connections between University Mission and University Senate
By committee participants will be asked to identify what they perceive as the relationship between the University Senate and the University Mission, whether such a relationship ought to exist, and discuss ways and means for promoting such a relationship (if they think it should exist). 

3:30 - 4:00 Lessons Learned/Commitments to Shared Governance for 2009-10
Lessons Learned: (30 mins.)

4:00 - 4:15 Evaluations and other winding down kinda things

Evaluations: (15 mins.)

4:15 Party Hearty!