Academic Policy Committee (APC)

Report to University Senate, February 25, 2008

Respectfully submitted by Janet H. Clark, APC Committee Chair


At the February 1st APC meeting, the ad-hoc calendar committee for 2009-2111 was formally charged and approved as constituted. The calendar committee was charged with developing an academic calendar for the 2009-2111 academic years. The committee will submit its results at the March 7, APC meeting, and will be available as an information item at the senate March 31 meeting. The APC committee also had a preliminary discussion of concerns brought up by a committee member that there appeared to be a disturbing increase in the number of students who don’t attend the first day of scheduled classes (first day no-shows). The concern was that instructors should be able to drop no-shows the first day so that students who were either wait-listed or who were unable to get a seat in the class at pre-registration could attend the class. It was decided to research the existing non-attendance policy, to survey faculty constituents in our respective programs and department to determine their experience, and to research what other USG institutions policies regarding first day no-shows were. The results of that research will be discussed at the March 7th APC meeting, as well as an invitation sent to Ed Hale, GCSU Director of Institutional Research, to discuss the possibility/advantages/challenges regarding having end of course student opinion surveys submitted on-line rather than in class.