Budget and Planning Committee Report
Given to the University Senate 02-26-07
Submitted by
Dr. Richard Mercier

Report on the Budget & Planning Committee meeting of February 2, 2007.
The B&P committee engaged in a lengthy lively discussion concerning the special meeting on January 22, 2007 with President Leland concerning the role and charge of the B&P committee. Several members expressed concern at the limited role this committee plays in the budget policy of the university. The committee revisited the implications of restructuring this committee in the 'Resources, Planning, and Institutional Policy Committee (RPIPC)' in an attempt to understand how the proposed restructuring will affect us.

Discussion addressed the ongoing effort to improve Georgia College & State University's national standing through the Strategic Focusing Plan, including the Pillars of Distinction campaign. Committee members agreed we should make every effort to be involved in the focus groups, and solicit feedback from our constituents to help improve that process. We also agreed that the BPC should help the President and the University identify the short-term objectives that will help achieve our long-term strategies for development. In addition, the committee members agreed to help communicate budget and planning knowledge to the campus community through regular reports to our Schools and Departments to keep our constituents informed on critical issues.

Desired Qualities of a new Vice President for Business and Finance:
The committee discussed the qualities we should expect from the person hired to take on the important role in which V. P. Harry Keim has excelled over the last 25+ years. Mr. Keim stated that the ability to talk with people in order to resolve problems, or knowing how to ask the right questions to help engage people and work well with them was critical. The ideal candidate would be someone who could effectively navigate faculty, staff, and private enterprises and have strong people skills and a background in academia.

Senate Committee Restructuring:
The committee revisited the proposed University Senate committee restructuring plan and generally agreed the need to re-examine the allocation of faculty senators on the various committees.

At our meeting on February 19 after considerable discussion to figure out ‘who we are’ and ‘what we do’ we decided to be proactive by forming a sub-committee headed by Doug Oetter to create a draft of the procedures for budget participation beginning at the department level through the schools/Deans to the President. As this process continues Dr. Leland will be consulted for input and feedback before we present it to the University Senate.

Michael Gass has agreed to give a presentation on the Delaware Study to the BPC at our next meeting on March 23 in the Library Conference Room.