University Services Report
October 31, 2005 University Senate Meeting
Submitted by Dr. Bill Wall

Summary of October 7th meeting of University Services

Agreements: For Homeland Security: Quintus Sibley recommended an administrative committee who would report back to us. Any policy they recommend would come through us for approval.

SPACE RESERVATIONS: We decided that a space reservation issue that was brought to our attention was a problem in implementation and not policy.  We decided that no action was necessary on our part

TECHNOLOGY: Gerry Adkins is a focus group participant in the new Technology plan (to allow schools/departments on campus to download material as long as they take responsibility for bringing down their local system if they get infected). He will report out to us in November or January.

We had an informative session on WebCT Vista with visitors Frank Lowney and Ed Boyd. Although half of the university system schools are currently using webvista, our tech experts believe the problems with respect to reliability of this product do not warrant our shift to this system at the present time.

The president has formed an advisory parking committee with faculty representation from the USC (Roger Noel volunteered), BPC, Stud govt rep, staff council rep, Ken Vance, Kyle Cullars.

Tentative agenda of next meeting:Meet with Chad McDonald, CISSP, Chief Information Security Officer, to discuss the Information Security Plan.