School of Health Sciences

University Senate

Faculty Senator Elections

Spring 2005

submitted by Dean Jimmy Ishee


At the appropriate election times, the Dean of the School of Health Sciences requests the current School of Health Sciences Faculty Senators to conduct the election.  A call for candidates is made to the SHS faculty at that time.  Faculty members interested in serving should make that known to one of the SHS faculty senators.  Nominations are allowed with the permission of the individual being nominated.  From this list a ballot is prepared for the election.  According to the senate’s by-laws the election is by secret ballot.  Depending on the number of senators needed, the faculty member or members with the most votes are elected.  In the same fashion, faculty members with the most votes receive the longest terms of service.  The votes are tabulated by current SHS faculty senators and the results reported to the Dean of the School of Health Sciences.  The Dean reports the election results to the University Senate.