Download in MSWord format            Proposal Submission Checklist*

Download in pdf format                                       (Endorsed by Executive Committee and Standing Committee Chairs on 03-02-06)

Idea initiation à Committee Deliberations à Draft Motion


    Statement of Proposal (brief, i.e. at most one paragraph)





    Type of proposal

o    Policy Recommendation:   (Specify exactly one of the following)

ð  New Policy   

ð  Policy Revision (Include a statement of current policy and identify source)

o    Information Item

o    Concern: ( Specify at least one of the following)

ð  Expression of concern

ð  Proposal for action

o    Curriculum Issue (Course, Degree Program Proposal/Deactivation, etc.)

o    Other

    Supporting Information*   (The purpose of such information is to provide University Senators and members of standing committees context to make informed decisions.)

o    Rationale

ð  General description of the significance and value of the proposal

ð  Relationship to the University Senate Governing Principles (as appropriate)

ð  Illustrative example(s) of consequence(s) of action/inaction

o    Relevant background and documentation at all levels (include all that apply)

§         Faculty or staff member initiation

§         Senator initiation or endorsement

§         Departmental initiation or endorsement (letter, meeting minutes, course proposal, syllabi, etc.)

§         School level initiation or endorsement (committee meeting minutes)

§         Initiation or endorsement by administrator/administrative committee






*All documents submitted must identify author(s) and date drafted.