Sunday August 7, 2005 2:20 p.m.



Committee Name:  International Education Committee


Person or position/office to whom this administrative committee makes recommendations:  Dr. Dwight W. Call, Assistant Vice President for International Education


Source of authority for this administrative committee:  Initially established by the President of the University


Charge:  Charge of committee/council: The International Education Committee is charged with supporting the International Education Center in promoting international and cross-cultural learning, as well as respect for diversity, throughout the University and in helping produce graduates who are prepared to accept their responsibilities as citizens of the world. Specifically, the Committee assists the International Education Center and the University in the following ways: Incorporating an international and cross-cultural dimension into the curriculum; Encouraging incorporation of international experiences into promotion, tenure and hiring decisions; Increasing the number of international students and ensuring appropriate support; Increasing the number of students studying abroad on significant summer or semester programs; Increasing and maintaining its worldwide network of exchange partner universities; Increasing student participation in co-curricular international programs; Expanding contacts with international alumni; Expanding public relations efforts.



Membership of committee/council: Dwight Call, Chair, Cynthia Alby, Tony Alcarria-Gomez, Jan Andrews, J.J. Arias, Cathy Crawley, Flor Culpa-Bondal, Beate Czogalla, Melanie DeVore, Nikolay Dimitrov, Ruth Eilers, Olafunke Fontenot, Hedy Fraunhofer, Susan Hendley, Jesse Hingson, Chris Lowery, Mary Magoulick, Sunita Manian, Nancy Mizelle, Cati Moses, Doug Oetter, Eustace Palmer, Mary Jane Phillips, Rob Viau, Tina Yarborough

Which standing committee(s) might this administrative committee recommend policies or policy changes?:  Academic Governance


Is it required that part of the membership be elected?  No

If yes, specify procedures:

This committee was registered by:

Name:  Dwight Call
Phone:  (478) 445-0875  email:
Date: August 7, 2005