GC&SU Standards of Governance
The following Standards of Governance were adopted by the University Council on September 22, 2000.


Within our University:

  1. Faculty, staff, students and administrators will interact with mutual respect and will value input, rational discussion and respect for each person's position or place at the University.


  2. All governance, planning, and decision making should allow all interested and affected parties to be included.


  3. The existing rules, regulations, policies and procedures of Georgia College & State University should be clearly defined, supported, adhered to, and widely distributed among faculty, staff, students and administrators.


  4. Faculty, staff, students and administrators shall have the right to participate in the governance of the University; everyone shall have the right to be heard, without repercussion, regardless of one's position within the University.


  5. Faculty, staff, administrators and fellow students share responsibility for the education and development of students.


  6. Georgia College & State University will have a stable structure of governance that is flexible and includes a process for review and revision.